Mongolian Throat Growls

Hi all, Caspian is back!

My happiness picture is of Idris in the woods today but she kept bouncing around so the picture is blurry. She is a really funny and cute dog and we always have a great time on our walks. We are still doing our mile a day challenge, we even did it in the rain at the weekend.

First this morning I did some algebra. Then my spelling today focussed on one word in particular. I can finally spell DISAPPEAR!!!!!!!! Mum gave me three challenges to help me remember the spelling. First I speed wrote disappear as many times as I could in one minute. Then I wrote five sentences with the word disappear. Finally, I created a wordograph.

Next I did the letter ink blots. Followed by French. The exercise with the animal sounds is wrong as it says pigs oink in French and also groin in French. The first French should have been English. Mum said I had a keen editorial eye. Also in the word search, I found that cheval stands for goats cheese. I finished on 5 a day. I had to do all my workings out as Mum realised my last lot were done with a calculator. Oops, I was caught, sorry!!

After Tanith’s calm club, Mark introduced us all to Mongolian tribal heavy metal music. Mum, Mark and me created a tribal dance to the beat of the music but Tanith didn’t like it so didn’t join in. It is nothing like the songs she writes or likes. I thought the heavy metal was cool and really different.


4 Replies to “Mongolian Throat Growls”

  1. You have been busy today Caspian. Your dog looks very cute and fluffy on the photo. Interesting choice of music!

  2. Hi Caspian,
    Well done walking even in inclement weather. Well done spelling that tricky word. And well done showing your working out!

    I am away to find some Mongolian heavy metal music, just to see what it is like.

  3. Hi Caspian
    Well done you, that’s a lot of varied work you’ve done in one day!
    What a lovely dog you have! I went on YouTube to check out the Mongolian tribal music is very unusual, interesting!

  4. Great photo of Idris and well done for committing to your challenge even when it is raining! I didn’t even know that Mongolian tribal heavy metal was a thing… I will have to check it out today!

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