My attempt to make a Artic animal game

On Tuesday I had to try to make a Artic animal board game. First i watched the video so I can remeber my facts!. Next I had to think  up what tip of board game I wanted to make I choice a card game.Next it’s time to make it! We had fun fact cards,Answer cards and What animal cards! The fun fact card if when You have to tell the person a fun fact about an artic animal!. The answer card is when u have to answer a question and lastly the What animal card is when You have to guess what animal the animal is! . If You draw the card your partner has to answer it and if your partner draws it u have to answer! When me and my mum played it it was a tie! The price was a sticker that is a smiley face and it was rainbow!

By Alexa

Hamish the polar bear

Today I did my words and then the 5 times table questions.

I then drew a picture of Hamish the polar bear and wrote some facts about him.


Home News

Hi. Its Caspian.

As part of my schoolwork today, I had to find the most interesting news story in my house. To be honest, the most interesting thing is Netflix. But that’s not to write about. I have multiple articles, so be prepared to fall asleep.

A Man Of Antwerp by Mark Montgomery

Mark Montgomery’s latest book A Man Of Antwerp’s formatting is nearly done and according to the editor it should be out by next week.

Grey Cat Behind The Sofa

As I said, it’s boring but it makes me feel happy to see Ludo, my grey cat behind the sofa playing. I find it humorous.

Water Bottle Mania

My sister has a very odd desire for water. The second one bottle is half empty she goes and gets another one. In case there is a zombie apocalypse, we will ration our supplies. And if that water gets drank in one day, we’re feeding her to the zombies.

Piggy Intercity

Piggy Intercity is expected to come out around Friday or Saturday. The lowdown of it is that you will be able to create a custom character and use it to fight off infected and gather supplies. I find that it is going to be the best part of Piggy yet!


Okay you’re welcome for the news, now I have to get back to school.

Raaaaawwwrrrr (Anyone could guess it’s Wookie)

Esmae’s blog

Hi everybody today I have been doing reading Romeo and Juliet and finding the meanings for some of the words from the story. The story is about this man called Romeo who has a big crush on  a girl called Juliet and fall in love, but there families don’t like each other so Romeo and Juliet can’t be together. I also learned a bit of algebra, it was a bit tricky to start with, I think I got the hang of it.  By Esmae.

Polar Bear Project

Hello Team Holywood,

How is everyone? I hope that you are all well.

Today l done some research on polar bears. I found some amazing facts and things I didn’t know about them. It’s fascinating that their fur is actually clear though the snow makes it look white.






Bye! Oriana



Hi team Holywood

Today I made a happy polar bear 🐻‍❄️ video. I thought you might want to see the video on the blog. It is about 2 polar bears, one of them is a baby polar bear.


My Arctic food chain

Hi everyone,

Today I made a poster about the food chain in the Arctic circle. Here is a picture of my poster:

In my poster there are four levels on which the different animals are in the chain: it starts with the sun then producers, and primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary consumers. Orcas are at the top of the food chain because of them being known to hunt polar bears. To gather this information we researched in books and online also I watched David Attenborough’s documentary, Polar Seas.

See you,






Hi guys

Hi guys its me big James, I will show you what I did on Monday . I have put a music video by Marty Mone  called The day the world shut down .  Listen to the words of the song. This song has a meaning.

by James


Today I was learning algebra it was really hard at first also  confusing but when I got it I found it fun.I got a bit of help from a teacher at first and then I  got it.I would like to learn more about it one day at school or home.My mum would like to do more with me to so I Will enjoy it!

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