Today I done Sumdog, the colour half and colour quarter. I done my 2, 5 & 10 times table. Then I drew chocolate bars and coloured in half & quarters. I was on Epic too.
Day 1 Rhys
Maths, Magic And French Day
Hello everyone,
Today I have been doing a lot of maths and reading, some French and doing French colours I had some help from my Mummy at maths because I need some help .Very kindly Mummy came to help me it was lovely lovely of my mummy to help me . I have started reading The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton. It was very lovely and made me feel like I was on a magical adventure with my mama. I have not much to say today
Goodbye Everyone, See you all next time xxx
Pretend There’s a Title Here Please!
Hi. It’s Caspian.
So as per usual, I did my maths and algebra. There was no spelling today and I was curious to know why. I also did a lesson on Polar bears. I had to find 10 facts and then I put them all and some more onto a poster. Speaking of polar bears, the name I want for the polar bear Miss BD adopted is Regan. It gives it a dimensional vibe to me. Also, I heard tonight there will be a new piggy game called Piggy: Intercity. It sounds so cool. I’ll be trying to watch KreekCraft’s livestream for when it comes out. Until tomorrow.
- Polar bears can swim for 72 hours straight.
- They mainly eat cod and salmon.
- Polar bears live in the Arctic.
- Their dens have small air holes so they can breathe.
- Their fur is transparent; it is white because it reflects the light.
- They leave their mothers at 3 years old.
- There are only about 20000 left in the world because people are hunting them into extinction.
- They can live for 25 years.
- Their hunts are rarely successful.
- They as classed as marine mammals.
What learning I did today
Hi everyone! It’s Cleo. Today I read the short version of Romeo and Juliet and found it quite dramatic. Not sure if romantic stories are my cup of tea.
Dear Diary,
I met this very intriguing man named Romeo. His eyes shined brightly whenever I looked closely at them. I like him very much and I cannot remove him from my mind. At the party it was bustling with people, and it was amid the crowd he spotted me. He approached me immediately and was very quick to pronounce his love for me. From whispers in the crowd I was worried something wasn’t right. It wasn’t until I confided in my nurse that I found out his second name was Montague. My father would never agree to this as he despises the Montagues. I am also concerned what my cousin ,Tybalt, will think because he is angered very easily. He has a fiery temper.
However even with all this I can not forget his bright eyes and sweet words. Could it be that our love is meant to be? Is it worth the fury of my family? I don’t understand this ridiculous feud and I don’t think it’s important enough to stand in the way of love. In fact, forget them! I deserve to be happy. Perhaps there is a way…
I will go to my balcony to bathe in the moonlight and think upon it.
I also watched Perfect Planet and I watched the volcano episode. Here’s three facts I found out.
Mauna Loa is the world’s biggest volcano. It is located in Hawaii.
There’s a lake in Kenya that flamingos go to that is made of salt. The flamingos nests are also made of salt. The flamingos drink the algae there and it turns them pink and it even dyes their eye a pinkish red colour.
Vampire finches are relatively new animals. They were evolved to eat blood as there was no other resource for them to eat. They live on an island called Wolf. The bigger birds let them eat their blood and scientists aren’t sure why. They think that they maybe started out by removing parasites for the bigger birds and the bigger birds assume that’s what they’re doing.
Hope you are all doing well! Remember to stay safe but still have fun! By Cleo
Some of my work from today
Today we watched an episode of Perfect Planet that was all about volcanoes and the animals that live around them.
3 facts I learned from the show are :
Flamingos eat a volcanic algae that makes them and their eyes pink.
Land iguanas on a Galapagos Island have to climb down a steep volcano crater to lay their eggs in the warm volcano ash.
There is a Galapagos Island called Wolf. It is the most remote Galapagos Island and little finches live on it. They are known as vampire finches because the only way they can survive there is to drink the blood of other bigger birds.
I also did some work on Sumdog. I then got my book that I received for Christmas called Encyclopedia of Ugly Animals. I chose an animal in it to read about. I then wrote out some information I learned about that animal and drew a picture of that animal.
The animal I chose is actually one of my favourite animals – it’s called a proboscis monkey.
Proboscis monkeys are very good swimmers, using their webbed hands and feet to assist them when travelling from mangrove to mangrove.
The collective noun for a group of proboscis monkeys is a harem.
Their favourite food is found in the crab apple mangrove. They eat the leaves and the sour star shaped fruits.
Males use their nose to call and attract females. They also use this in a fight to scare the challenger.
Sadly the number of these interesting monkeys left in the wild has declined by more than 50% in the last 40 years.
Thank you for reading.
Esmae’s blog
Hi everybody today I read a book on epic called awesome opals. It told you all the facts about all different kinds of opals and where you can find them. I did another poster all about them and have drawn some. Then I played sumdog and played a game about the French colours. Then I did some maths with my mum.
By Esmae
Polar Bears
Hello people
Partitioning and reindeer
Hello today I started with copying lots of words from my word list onto the whiteboard.
I then answered questions from the quick read ‘planet zog’ – Zargles is funny!
After that I did some partitioning, sums and my 2 times table.
These are my pictures of the reindeer from the Cairngorms! That was exciting reading about them as we go and see them all the time! These are our pictures from just before Xmas.