Sledding Fun Day


I wanted to tell you all about our great day on Saturday. We went grass sledding and it was so much fun. Caspian was the fastest but I managed to turn direction when I went down the hill. Our dog chased us all the way down. It was lots of fun. We also went to check on the badger set. We visit once a week to make sure noone has been mean and put rubbish in it. We were very happy because we found the badger trail.

On Friday we saw Miss Pattie and some of our friends while we were exercising in the woods.

Mummy is making us a cake today but we are having a PJ day.

Smile every day and be happy.

9 Replies to “Sledding Fun Day”

  1. That’s a nice clear photo of the paw print. It sounds like some seriously skilled sledging was going on! What kind of cake did you have?

  2. Fantastic photos Tanith. It was lovely to see you and Caspian last week. Looking forward to reading your blog posts this week. 🙂

  3. Our cake was a lemon and poppy seed cake. Mum, Mark and Tanith got to it first. I was reading so I took no interest in the cake.

  4. I forgot to mention the baby badger tracks the others thought they saw were probably just Idris’ tracks. But they looked happy so I didn’t tell them.

  5. Hi Caspian, I think I would have had to multi-task reading and eating lemon and poppy seed cake! Thank you for your reply.
    The Wildlife Trusts website ( ) has some great photos to help you identify UK wildlife tracks. Badgers have 5 toes.

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