Hi everyone it’s me big James and Brooke to start our day at Holywood child care we play in the playground and we come in and sanitise, put our stuff in our locker and then we wash our hands. We painted a stick that looks like a gnome because we did not do it yesterday. After break big James led us on a long walk past the Abby farm on the back road .
What have you guys bean up? to tell us in the comments please.
We will hear
from you guys soon by James and Brooke.
Hi James
Sounds like a good day.
I love the painted sticks.
Today I was working from home preparing some fun quizzes for next week!
Thanks for sharing the photos of the sticks – they look brilliant! I had to use a stick today to break the water in the bird bath in my garden. It was frozen, so the birds couldn’t get a drink.
I love your stick people! They are fab!
Miss S
The stick gnomes were very popular – to find out how to make one, check out my whittling page. That was a very long walk we went on but it was lovely to be out in the snow and the sunshine.