
We’ve been doing some building. We are building some towers. I’m building two .One of them is really big but we had to break it because  it was too big. The other tower is a good size and we are working really well on it. They might be bridges only if it’s safe. Some people have put pulleys on them .We haven’t but we could.

By Sarah


Hello, in school we have been doing lots of stuff. In maths we are making a home office; it has been a lot of fun. We have to go on the internet and pick what furniture we want.

In spelling tomorrow we have to have 30 questions on our spelling quiz and if the whole class  does well on it, we don’t have to do spelling for the rest of the year.

P6/7 have made useless contraptions; it has been lots of fun. It has to start with one push then no more.My one has a marble that starts a domino, smash, then the domino ,smash, hits a car, then the toy car hits a leg kind of thing that hits a marble into a goal.

By Rhys


Today we were doing a sheet involving area and perimeter.  The sheet is about designing an office for Miss Stapelton. It has to be an area of sixteen meters squared. Today me and Cleo had to calculate how much the wallpaper costs and find furniture for the outdoor office.  We also had to go file our assessments and did some harder percentages.

Rube Goldberg – Amazing Inventions

I have tasked P6/7 to use their forces knowledge and skills to design and build a pointless contraption with a point.

Rube Goldberg was famous for his cartoons and contraptions which used elaborate components and ridiculous elements to make a simple thing happen.

With the push of just one finger the machine would be started…

I have asked the pupils to design a machine to move a pencil along, into a sharpener and then get it sharpened.

Of course, being Holywood some pupils have decided to invent Goal Scoring machines, the Thirst Quenching machine and other creations of their own.

Some designs include electric circuits and fans, dominoes and moving cars or marbles, one even has  boat moved by a tidal wave…

We will share photos when the working models are completed.



Last big Thursday we were doing art with Miss Pattie.  In art  we are doing different things like Koi fish and the Northern lights.

Each week we are doing something different from a different country or place, its pretty fun actually. We`re using chalk pastels right now for all the pieces of art. We also did chameleons on the first week, we had to use very very bright colours. My one was neon yellow,neon orange and neon green. We also put big patterns on them; mine was bright and stripey.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               By Josie

Percy Fawcett

Hi all, Caspian is back.

Today I have done some spelling and also continued with some science on magnetic force. Today’s “Main Project” is the one in the title. I have read the story of Percy Fawcett and have written 20 things for an explorer to pack for an adventure:

  1. Med kit
  2. A good team of men
  3. Water
  4. Food (Marmalade, sandwiches, fruit)
  5. Compass
  6. Harpoon (for defence)
  7. Map
  8. Clothes
  9. Ball of yarn (Used like in the story of the Minotaur)
  10. Inhaler (In case one of your team is an asthmatic)
  11. Flint and steel
  12. Note pad and pen
  13. Tents and camp beds
  14. Penknife
  15. Gold for trading
  16. Washing materials
  17. Book about nature
  18. Parrot (Every good explorer needs one with a jolly name)
  19. Vine sword
  20. Ukulele

That is all for now, bye!!!!

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