Making a Spell


Today I designed a Halloween costume for a magic girl. I drew it in my exercise book and labelled all the types of fabric used and all the magic powers. I also designed a mask to go with it. For literacy, I wrote a spell. I hope you like it.

Some drool of a wolf, a purr of a cat,

A look of a doll, a fallen crow’s feather,

A sneeze of a fox, a step from a horse,

A bee in a flower, the hug of a golden child,

Stirring widdershins, for the call of a unicorn.

Be happy and smile every day, love from Tanith xxx

Two Days Until Hallow’s Eve!

Hi all, Caspian is back.

Today I have been doing some things to get ready for Halloween. From what I have heard, Scottish Halloween is not as similar to English Halloween. So basically…I’m glad I get a year to understand.

Anyway I had to design a Halloween costume. I went for the classic Headless Horseman (Without the horse). Then, design a mask. I didn’t go classic this time, I went for a zombie soldier. I tried to think outside the box but all I could think of was Soldier Piggy from Book 1 of piggy. It is a game you can play on Roblox and it is based on Peppa Pig, but made less childish. Anyhoo… I also had to write a poem about Halloween. Here it is:


When ghosts gleam,

Witches fly through the night,

And vampires start a fight,

But they are not real,

They are children,

The doors of houses, fishermen,

The sweets, bait,

The children, fish,

Drawn to each door like magnets on metal,

They grab the sweets.

Run away home,

And hide the sweets as midnight snacks,

That is the story of…


Visu labu! Latin for goodbye.

I’m Moving to Antarctica!

Hi all, Caspian is back!

I have been working on comprehension today – Willaby Castle and the History of Castles. I really like visiting Lowther Castle near Penrith. We haven’t been for ages because of Covid but it is on our bucket list for when we stop shielding. We want to visit the bird sanctuary again as there is a really cool eagle. Last time we went, all of us held a Harris Hawk and fed it.

I have also done some maths. I worked on a speed graph, Venn diagram and finished off with some decimal conversion to fractions.

Finally, I researched spiders. I found a massive spider in our bathroom last night. Mum took it out. It was huge!

  1. After mating, Black Widows eat their mates.
  2. Black Widows don’t enjoy attacking humans.
  3. Most spiders aren’t poisonous.
  4. There are 40,000 species of spiders. Yikes!
  5. Tarantulas bite as hard as a cat.
  6. Spiders can live anywhere except Antarctica.
  7. Black Widow venom is 15 times worse than a rattle snake’s venom.
  8. Spiders spin different types of web.

If you don’t like spiders, move to Antarctica!

Auf Wiedersehen (German for good bye)

Spider Day


I did my reading and writing today. I read Snow Time by Molly Brett. It is about the woodland animals having fun in the snow. I answered some questions to check I understood the story then I copied out two paragraphs to practice my handwriting. I found my maths a bit tricky today but mummy helped me by showing me ways to help me get the right answers. My Halloween lesson was all about spiders. These are the things I found out.

  1. A spider has 8 legs.
  2. Spiders have two body parts.
  3. Some spiders can bite.
  4. Some spiders spin a web.
  5. All spiders make silk.
  6. Most spiders have 8 eyes.
  7. Spiders do not have wings.
  8. Spiders eat insects.
  9. Spiders have blue blood.
  10. Spiders lay eggs.

Stay safe, be happy and smile every day, love from Tanith xxx


Hi all, Caspian and Tanith are back!

We are doing a joint blog today as we have done most of our work together as a team. First we had our French lesson. Mum gave us both ten words related to Halloween and asked us to find the word in French. We found some words in French were very similar to the English spellings but others were really different.  For example, zombie = zombi, ghoul=goule, pumpkin=citrouille, broomstick=balai. We did our research by using our English to French dictionary and also watching some programmes online. Tanith was really pleased because she already knew black cat is chat noir as she really loves watching Miraculous Ladybug where Chat Noir is one of the main characters!

We then worked on our maths separately. I worked on area and capacity, Tanith looked at subtraction machines and her times tables.

We finished the day by creating a skeleton from raw pasta!

Meet Bob! Bob the Almighty is the skeleton of an alien warrior race. He comes from the planet Paistametrix. He has one pair of arms where the hands each have three digits – useful when eating chicken wings. He also has one pair of pincers – in life his pincers contained a toxin to spear his prey.  He stands on a pile of bones – the remains of his victims from a few weeks ago! He has six joints in each leg – useful when dancing at the warrior Friday night discos on the neighbouring planets.

We are really enjoying our Halloween themed lessons.

See ya!


It’s Good to be Back


It is so good to be having lessons again. I did a bit of work in the holidays because I like practicing my spelling and doing sums. Mummy says I am doing much better with my halves and doubles. I also did a lot of reading. My favourite book was Fairy Hill, Butterfly Fairy’s Secret by Fran Evans. Today I did my new spellings and sentences. Then I wrote a story about a witch’s cat called Whisper and drew pictures.

Hi Whisper

Hi Leah. What a lovely day. The sun is out. I love the sun so much.

I am having so much fun climbing the trees for nuts, leafs and the wood is pretty. There is a lovely rainbow.

I am back. I brought nuts, leafs and wood to make a flying potion.

WOW! said Leah the witch. Good job. Let’s do this potion together.

Okay, I said.

I also got 9/10 in my maths today. Mummy helped me understand the sum I got wrong and I got it right the second time I tried.

Byeee, be happy and smile every day.

Love from Tanith xxx


Back to School

Hi all, Caspian is back!

I hope you all enjoyed half term. I have done quite a lot today. In comprehension, I answered questions and did some freehand work on River Rescue, toll bridge charges, and the Amazon Basin. I think it is dreadful that people are destroying the rainforest and stealing animals from their natural habitat. I also did some maths – coordinates, decimals to fractions and perimeters. Mum set me a Halloweeny literacy piece of work. I had to write a short story about a witch but from her broomstick’s point of view.  This is my short story.

I am bored, tired and hollow. I am a broomstick. Mistreated by the evil witch. Every time she makes a potion, she draws woodlice that eat me inside out. She knows I am a sentient being and that is why she blames me when I crash. I cannot help it because of the woodlice eating me. I would rather be in a motel!

The end.

I don’t want to go to Mars!

Hi all, Caspian is back!

I’ve been quite busy today. First, I read about what it would be like to be the first person to land on Mars. I don’t want to be the first at all! Then I worked through three of the comprehension exercises. I finished the day off with some maths questions. I’m helping Tanith with Sumdog at the moment. Mum made apple pie for pudding tonight which was nice.

До свидания (Russian for good bye.)

Science Day

Hello everyone,

Today mummy showed me a science experiment to help me understand plant growth. It was very interesting and I learned a lot. Mummy is going to buy me some seeds so I can do my own experiments also. I also did some description bubbles with a picture of a pirate. Then I did my spelling and some maths.  Caspian lets me watch his Sumdog and is helping me with my sums.

A smile for all of you, love from Tanith xxx

Climbing to the Summit of Everest

Hi all, Caspian is back!

Today I learnt about Sherpa Tenzing and Edmund Hillary and how they reached the summit of Everest. The flag of Nepal, where Everest is situated, is the only flag which is not rectangular in shape. I would like to visit the bronze statue of Edmund Hillary in New Zealand one day as it would be nice to see a statue of such a great man. I hope there is a statue of Sherpa Tenzing also as Edmund Hillary would not have reached the summit without the help of Sherpa Tenzing.

I also did some maths. We went for a walk after lessons so we all got some exercise, our dog included!

Rom-halan (Vulcan for ‘goodbye’)

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