Today I made my own cake. This is the recipe. 4oz sugar, 4oz flour, 4oz butter, 2 eggs and 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence. This is how I made it. First I washed my hands and tied my hair back. I put the sugar and the butter in first and mixed them. Then I added the eggs. The eggs were messy to do! Then I added flour and vanilla and mixed it all together. Then I added some pink food colouring to make my cake even more special. After I put it in to two cases, mummy put it in the oven for me. When the cake came out and cooled, I made some butter icing. I spread home made jam between the two layers and added some of the icing then I spread the rest around the outside of the cake with help from mummy because it was a bit hard for me to do on my own. I topped the cake off with some fairy smarties on the top. We are having my cake for tea for afters.
I also worked on words that rhyme and made up a poem for Halloween.
Halloween is where you can make buns and have fun;
You can trick or treat that means you get some sweets;
You can play with cats in hats;
I can play and say games;
Halloween is fun for buns;
I can bake fun yummy buns.
Byeee, be happy and smile every day, love from Tanith xxx
Great photos Tanith! Job well done