Hi, Caspian is back!
Today I have been researching the… Bermuda Triangle… triangle… triangle (it is a peculiar phenomenon so thought I’d some drama!)
The triangle is a shape of mystery. Some people who travel there, never return. Many believe that there are sea monsters and alien holiday parks, that basically means they think the missing have been eaten by sea dinosaurs or abducted by aliens. The most famous disappearances are of the USS Cyclops (a USA naval ship), and Flight 19; a time when twenty-seven men lost their lives to the triangle.
Its shape is an isosceles triangle made up of Florida, USA, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. On average, sixty ships and five planes go missing every year. But fifty years ago, the triangle that many in just one day.
There are many theories, such as, a weather phenomenon like a water spout, tornado or hurricane, water bubbles, a pull down in the earth’s magnetic field, alien abduction, sea monsters, vehicle failure, and many more. Will we ever know?!
This has been the most mysterious thing I have ever researched to date. I would rather teleport than travel through the Bermuda Triangle.

And to calm your nerves from reading this, I can also tell you, Mum made currant buns for our break.
Bye, see you tomorrow!