Today I spent most of my day at my mums print shop. Me and my mum got there about half eleven. My sister was already there. I spent about half an hour on my phone then realised that it was lunchtime. I went to Lorna’s. They do some really good things in there. I had a salad box. That was really yummy. After that I was bored so I just printed good things of the computer. Then I played some games on my mums phone. That’s all for today’s blog bye. By Orla.
Tonight me and my mum were going to sort out my clothes. I kept the things that I didn’t want or that didn’t fit me. I started if with my trousers and then moved one to tops. We also had to order a chester drawer because mine is broken. I also tidied things of the floor. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. By Orla.
In town
Today I was doing a lot of things in town. First I got some fabric for my masks. Then we went to Clarks for school shoes. I got some really nice ones. Next we went to my mums print shop to say hello. We also went to get some lunch. I got a really nice salad. After that we went to Tesco to get our food for the week. We had to be quick because my granny was coming over. A wee while later I had to go to my dads. That’s all for today’s blog bye. By Orla.
Back to school shopping!
Today I went to my grannys. First we went to Tesco. There I got my stationary. I got some really nice things. Next we went to town and went to Debenhams. We went there for a bag so that’s what we got. There was a good selection. I picked the most plain one there. Then we went WHSmiths. We got a pencil case there and also a pen. Finally we went to Shoe Zone. I got a two pairs of shoes. After that me and my granny got in the car and drove home. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. By Orla.
Going home 
This morning I woke up and got ready. I packed my clothes back into my bag. I really enjoyed my holiday. We took the dog for his last walk before we go. We set of about ten o’clock. It was really bad rain at the time. My mum had to really concentrate on the roads. We stoped at a service station for a little break. We also had to get some petrol to. I had a yummy Costa. That was so good. That wraps up today’s blog bye. By Orla.
Going to Balmoral
Today we drove to Balmoral. We thought the grounds were going to be open but they weren’t. There was a walk we could do but it was going to take a long time so we didn’t do it. We did go to the Balmoral gift shop though. We had to get some gifts for our friends. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. By Orla.
The scone palace
This afternoon me and my family went to scone palace. We were there with our dog too. We went to gets some coffee and water and then we set off. We had a map so we could see where we were going. We took lots of photos which I didn’t enjoy. After our walk we were going to get some lunch but the place we went to didn’t serve lunch. There was a little shop that you could buy a few things. We got a few things. I really enjoyed my day. That’s all for today’s blog bye. Take care. By Orla.
Our journeys have started!
This afternoon me and my family went in the car and made our way to Perthshire. It was quite a big drive. I slept for a bit of the journey. I was in the car with my mum and Cameron and Charlotte were in their car. We took two cars because Cameron has to go to work on Monday. We also took our dog Monty. There was a big traffic jam because there was an accident. It’s also roasting in our place we’re staying at and we don’t know how to work it. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. By Orla.
My friend came over!
This late morning my friend got dropped off. We went into the living room and she noticed that our open bit was made into a wall. She seemed to like it. We went on TikTok and made a few videos. That was fun. We walked to the shop to get some lunch as well. We ate that and then we played with some of my slime. I also showed her how my sewing machine works. Then she went about half one. That wraps up today’s blog bye. By Orla.
Day with granny!
Today at eleven I went to my granny’s. When I got there I said hello obviously and then started playing with my slime. After a wee while I had my lunch. I had mince. My granny makes the best mince ever. My granny had leek and potato soup. I carried on playing with my slime when my grandad phoned and said he would be coming over. When came over we talked and then I told him how TikTok works. He was quite interested. I was also showing him my TikTok videos. I showed some of the dances as well. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. By Orla