Jumping Bugs

Hi all, Caspian is back.

Today I have been researching grasshopper facts because I have heard and seen so many in the last few weeks.

  1. They have ears on their thorax.
  2. If caught by their leg, the leg will drop off.
  3. Their cousins are locusts.
  4. They have hidden wings in their backs.
  5. They are an ancient species.
  6. They have two small legs and two large legs.
  7. They can jump at 8mph.
  8. They are herbivores.
  9. They can camouflage into sticks.
  10. You can tell species apart by the size of their antennae.
  11. They are food in many countries.
  12. They damage many crops.
  13. They can jump twenty times their own body height.
  14. There are 11000 species of grasshopper around the world.
  15. They can jump 25cm high.

I haven’t written many blogs this week because, well you know… but I have got my mojo back today so have been doing a bit of catch up. I have done some maths. I have been learning about antonyms and synonyms, and providing examples. I have also been working on piggy illustrations based on Doctor Who. We are making some windchimes later.

Good luck in your new school Jack. I’m sorry I haven’t done any pictures.

Jack Day!

Hi Jack
This is Rory and Cleo, both wishing you all the luck with moving up to High School! We hope you enjoy your day. The picture is from Rory and the word poster is from Cleo 🙂

Have a great day.

My diary of gala week

Today I made a bubble gum flavoured ice cream cone from my arty crafty box,  I also drew a picture of Jack, I am getting better at drawing people, sometimes I forget they have a neck and their arms don’t come out of their ribs but by the time I drew Jack his picture was the best! And sorry to Merissa I forgot to put your arms on!
I then finished my diary of the week.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.


Good Luck Jack

J oker

A thletic

C reative

K icker – football

Good luck in high school Jack. Sure you’ll do well and thank you for your fab manners and help you gave me – Mrs Gray

James, Daniel and Olly

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