Thank you!

Thank you so much everyone! I have had the best time at Holywood and have a lot of amazing memories. I will always consider myself part of team Holywood! I am amazed at the effort people have gone to with their comments and art work. They all look amazing. I am going to print it all off for my Holywood Memory book/box.

I can’t believe Coupar can use a computer better than i can. What a dog! It was amazing to work with you.

I will see everyone soon for that cake Miss Dale keeps promising :p

I hope everyone is staying safe!

Thanks again for everything i love all of it.


6 Replies to “Thank you!”

  1. Glad you have loved you day on the blog! Best of luck with secondary – we will miss you at Holywood.

  2. I am sure you will do great things at secondary school, Dakota – we will all miss you though. Glad you are enjoying your day on the blog.

  3. So glad you enjoyed everyone’s pictures and words, you can see what a valued team member you have been! We will miss you lots, the academy is lucky to be getting a fab new pupil next year.

  4. Glad you have had a lovely day Dakota. I will miss you at Holywood but I’m sure you will pop back to see us.

  5. I am so glad that you had a great day Dakota- you deserve it! Looking forward to catching up with you for cake sometime after the holidays! 🙂

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