Thank you so much everyone! I have had the best time at Holywood and have a lot of amazing memories. I will always consider myself part of team Holywood! I am amazed at the effort people have gone to with their comments and art work. They all look amazing. I am going to print it all off for my Holywood Memory book/box.
I can’t believe Coupar can use a computer better than i can. What a dog! It was amazing to work with you.
I will see everyone soon for that cake Miss Dale keeps promising :p
I hope everyone is staying safe!
Thanks again for everything i love all of it.
Lovely to hear from you Dakota! I’m glad that you are enjoying your day on the blog
Glad you have loved you day on the blog! Best of luck with secondary – we will miss you at Holywood.
I am sure you will do great things at secondary school, Dakota – we will all miss you though. Glad you are enjoying your day on the blog.
So glad you enjoyed everyone’s pictures and words, you can see what a valued team member you have been! We will miss you lots, the academy is lucky to be getting a fab new pupil next year.
Glad you have had a lovely day Dakota. I will miss you at Holywood but I’m sure you will pop back to see us.
I am so glad that you had a great day Dakota- you deserve it! Looking forward to catching up with you for cake sometime after the holidays!