Did you work out what is written on Daisy’s poster today…in Japanese!?!
Google Translate is a great thing!
Miss Dale
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
Did you work out what is written on Daisy’s poster today…in Japanese!?!
Google Translate is a great thing!
Miss Dale
Hi Miss Dale,
My first guess was “May you always have ketchup for your chips” or “i hope you live a long life and don’t die in a ditch without ice cream”
Then my mum helped me to translate it but we could only translate part of it: “alive/live when” so here are our guesses on how the sentence could end:
may you be alive when … pigs fly
may you be alive when … when flowers sing
may you live when … the cherry blossom last all year and the monkeys dance
Did we get it right?