Party Night! πŸ™πŸ³πŸ‹πŸšπŸ¦ˆ

Today has been a really good day! I did really well in my maths and even though I needed help from Mummy with two of my sums, I got a Rupert Bear sticker in my book saying I had done very well. I also got two Hello Kitty well done stickers in my book for my cursive handwriting. I am carrying on with my Winnie the Witch book and wrote a review. Mummy gave me two prizes for working so hard today. I got a sea life sticker book and a little Lego set. I have put the stickers on my new exercise book. I am on book 4.

Review. I liked this page 53 because when Wilbur says β€˜mrrow’ crossly, it is funny to me and made me smile.

Tonight, I had some of mummy’s home made bread and it is yummy. I had salmon fish cake, mash and broccoli for tea.

I have done my hair, put on my special jewellery and painted my nails and am having a dance and singing party with my brothers and sisters who live in Rainbow Land. I go there sometimes. It is a magic place so you cant get coronavirus there. I take Mummy and Mark there sometimes as they understands magic like me. Caspian likes to stay at home and read but I put my magic on him to keep him safe.


Lots of love from Tanith xxx

PS Good luck Charlie in your new school.

5 Replies to β€œParty Night! πŸ™πŸ³πŸ‹πŸšπŸ¦ˆβ€

  1. Wow Tanith, you have had a busy day! Which Winnie the Witch story have you been reading? I like how the books have a few different stories in them!

  2. Great work Tanith, and it sounds like a well-earned party and dance after such a busy day.

  3. Sounds like a very busy Monday Tanith. Well done on your school work! Your party sounds like a lot of fun, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. You look fab in your photo!

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