Today I started of the day with going to the shops. Me and my mum went to Aldi. I used the Alexa app to help mum with the shopping. On the Alexa app you can add what you need and then tick it off. After that I did my Spanish. I am using the app Duolingo. Last week I found my book the journey to the river sea so I was reading that. Next I did my English. I was doing some of my poems. Then I did my Maths. I was doing some of the Maths games. At night I like doing my project work because it makes me sleepy. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. Take care. By Orla.
We Hope You Enjoyed your Day on the Blog Charlie…
Party Night! 

Today has been a really good day! I did really well in my maths and even though I needed help from Mummy with two of my sums, I got a Rupert Bear sticker in my book saying I had done very well. I also got two Hello Kitty well done stickers in my book for my cursive handwriting. I am carrying on with my Winnie the Witch book and wrote a review. Mummy gave me two prizes for working so hard today. I got a sea life sticker book and a little Lego set. I have put the stickers on my new exercise book. I am on book 4.
Review. I liked this page 53 because when Wilbur says ‘mrrow’ crossly, it is funny to me and made me smile.
Tonight, I had some of mummy’s home made bread and it is yummy. I had salmon fish cake, mash and broccoli for tea.
I have done my hair, put on my special jewellery and painted my nails and am having a dance and singing party with my brothers and sisters who live in Rainbow Land. I go there sometimes. It is a magic place so you cant get coronavirus there. I take Mummy and Mark there sometimes as they understands magic like me. Caspian likes to stay at home and read but I put my magic on him to keep him safe.
Lots of love from Tanith xxx
PS Good luck Charlie in your new school.
Esmae’s blog
Adios Charlie!
C is for carefree, cool, cheerful, and creative
H for happy-go-lucky, hilarious and hands -on and helpful
A artistic and adventurous; always on the go
R radiates energy and enthusiasm
L lives life to the full! laughs a lot and brings life to the party
I independent, interesting and imaginative
E energetic, enthusiastic, entertaining and easy going
All the best in the next chapter of your life, Charlie.
Mrs N
Bye and Good Luck Charlie
Good luck Charlie on your next big adventure. Sure you will smash high school.
A polite young man who always used his manners, especially at lunchtime! Hope you enjoy your lunches at high school.
Mrs Gray
James, Daniel and Oliver came up with…
C reative
H umorous
A rtistic
R aring to go
L eader
I maginative
E nergetic
We would all like to wish you well Charlie.
The Hesketh’s stall
To Charlie, from Olivia
Happy Charlie Day!!!
Good luck charlie
C reative
H elpful
A dventurist
R acer
L ikeable
I ndependent
E xcitable
Hope you enjoy your new school best of luck Dakota