I was doing bingo

Tonight me and my family and my dads girlfriend’s family played bingo on zoom. We were playing but we didn’t get the first line or the second line either so we needed to get the full box. Me and my dad were down to our last number when my dads number got called. He was so happy. He won one hundred pounds. After bingo I went to go watch a program. My dad phoned his mum and dad. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. By Orla.

Hayo Miyazaki and a map!

Hello folks how are you all?

For my artists around the world task l chose to learn about… Hayo Miyazaki! Here are some facts about him.

  • He is a Japanese manga artist.

  • He is also an animator, filmmaker and co founder of Studio Ghibli.

  • He is 79 but he is still working/ drawing!

  • He made at least 38 movies!
  • Every film he has made contains a flying scene because of his love for airplanes.
  • He traveled a lot when he was a child and that is what inspired his artwork.

Here is my picture of Princess Mononoke in his style.

Today l made a map of my garden with my daddy and sister. It was great fun but a little bit hard to start with. The most interesting part of the task was learning how to draw an accurate map from our rough measurements. Here is the finished result…

Until next time…




My mapping adventure

Hi everyone!

Today I learned about mapping. I did this by mapping my garden. I learned about measuring distances I also learned about:

  • scale
  • orientation
  • reference points
  • perimeter
  • area
  • grids

Daddy helped with my grid, but here is my finished map.What do you think?


Tuesday 16th June – week in the woods


Yesterday I did some of my maths and reading then we went on our bikes around Dock Park but we didnt go into the play bit as we are not allowed because of the coronovirus. I can’t wait until they open again.

Today we made our own campfire. We got an old pot, got some cotton wool and covered it in vaseline then added small sticks. I lit it with a lighter. I was very careful. I remembered that u kneel down on one knee and keep your distance from the fire as it’s very hot! We got marshmallows and toasted them then squashed them in a biscuit. It was yummy.

After that we checked by plants to see how they are growing. Look at the difference. I think the radish pot that is getting sun and water looks the best.

I was so hot mum filled the paddling pool up so I could cool down. I wish one of my friends  could come and  play with me in the pool. I cant wait until this virus is away!!

Week in the woods!

Hi Everyone

Yesterday, I made a catapult out of lollipop sticks for “week in the woods”. The instruction the teachers gave us used big bits of wood, but I didn’t have enough, so we used lollipop sticks instead. It was a bit frustrating building it, but it was fun shooting it at my dad.

It went 5m92cm cool right.

Here is how to make it if you want to do it too.

Catapult video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBKEUUiBBFY

Today I also went on a walk in the woods with Beans (my dog) and my mum.  My mum and I went about identifying trees on our walk (Beans was very busy sniffing the scents so didn’t seem very interested in knowing which trees were which).

Here are some of the trees we found (we downloaded a free app from the Woodland Trust to help us identify the trees)

    • Birch
    • Oak
    • Goat Willow
    • Hazel
    • Norway maple
    • Ash
    • Rowan
    • Common Beech
    • Elder

We also spotted some climbing and parasitic plants (parasitic plants are plants that grow on other plants and gain some of their nutrients from the host) :

  • Honeysuckle
  • Ivy
  • Lichen
  • Moss

We also saw or heard these birds:

  • Grey wagtail
  • Chaffinch
  • Jay
  • Raven
  • Buzard
  • Pheasant

We also some Ermine moth caterpillars who build nests in the willow leafs branches.

See you later


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