Love the improvised den, and trying really hard not to be jealous of the s’mores. Great fire pit! Hope you enjoyed your first day of week in the woods!
Hi Rhys – chocolate on the inside, so that it goes melty with the mallow and so you don’t get choccy covered fingers!! Looked mighty tasty!
Good respect position at your campfire – Good safety!!
You guys looked like you had a great day – very jealous!
Well done for cutting the grass, Rhys and those s’mores look good.
Great photos Rhys, looks like you’ve had a fun first day of week in the woods!
Fab photos Rhys and looks like you have had a very first day of week in the woods.
Great photos Rhys. Well done for helping your mum by cutting the grass. Your s’mores look gooey and delicious!!
Love the improvised den, and trying really hard not to be jealous of the s’mores. Great fire pit! Hope you enjoyed your first day of week in the woods!
Hi Rhys – chocolate on the inside, so that it goes melty with the mallow and so you don’t get choccy covered fingers!! Looked mighty tasty!
Good respect position at your campfire – Good safety!!
You guys looked like you had a great day – very jealous!
Well done for cutting the grass, Rhys and those s’mores look good.
Great photos Rhys, looks like you’ve had a fun first day of week in the woods!
Fab photos Rhys and looks like you have had a very first day of week in the woods.
Great photos Rhys. Well done for helping your mum by cutting the grass. Your s’mores look gooey and delicious!!