

My hand is starting to get better, the infection is less now but having to keep it all bandages up just now to protect it.  Not done a lot of school work this week cause of my hand, completed Sumdog with Mum helping hold my phone to do it and been on Epic.

6 Replies to “Hello”

  1. Glad to hear that it’s getting better Niamh! Well done for completing this weeks Sumdog challenge, fantastic accuracy.

  2. I’m glad it’s getting better Niamh. Well done for still managing to get some school work done.

  3. I am so glad that you are on the mend Niamh. Very impressed that you have still been working on Epic and Sumdog. Well done!

  4. Happy to hear your hand is healing, Niamh. Wont be long before you’re back in action. Take care!

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