My Review On The House With The Chicken Legs

Hi guys. It’s Cleo and today I will be doing my review of The House With The Chicken Legs.

The author is Sophie Anderson.

The main characters were Baba Yaga and Marinka. At the start Marinka tells us about her house and how it has chicken legs and she builds a bone fence to let ghosts or spirits in her house. Baba Yaga guides spirits through the gate to let them go to the stars.

Marinka then meets somebody called Benjiman. He has found a lamb and he asks Marinka to keep his lamb for 1 or 2 nights while he asks his Dad if he can keep the lamb. However the house moves on to live somewhere else so the lamb stays with Marinka for a while. She calls the lamb Benji because she misses Benjiman. Half way through the book Marinka meets a ghost. She talks to her for a while then keeps her in her bedroom. This is because Marinka doesn’t have any other friends except Baba Yaga so she is lonely. She keeps her for a while until she finds out she is also a ghost who didn’t go through the gate. The book then follows how Marinka deals with this discovery.

I enjoyed it because it was very interesting and it seemed like a wild adventure for Marinka. It was interesting to read her realisation of being a ghost and how she coped with it.  I also liked the spooky edge to the book discussing the afterlife.

Another reason I enjoyed it is because it seems to be based off a myth and I love myths. The myth is about a lady called Baba Yaga. She has a house with chicken legs and she goes around looking for children.  If she finds good children she MIGHT let them go, but she will most likely eat naughty children! I do love myths because they inspire my imagination so I love this book a lot.

That’s all for now. I hope you all have a great day! By Cleo



6 Replies to “My Review On The House With The Chicken Legs”

  1. Sounds like a great book Cleo, I’m glad you enjoyed reading it! What would you rate it out of 5 stars? Do you think anybody else from school would enjoying reading it?

  2. Interesting plot line Cleo. I like your reasons for enjoying the book. Would you read something else by this author?

  3. Fab, detailed book review Cleo. It does sound like a very interesting story. Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Thanks for the review Cleo – I really enjoyed the book too. An imaginative story idea built around Russian fables and myths. I think it also dealt with some big subjects. I was very surprised when the girl made her personal discovery…spoilers!!

  5. It sounds like a very unusual and imaginative story, Cleo. It reminds me of a film called The Others where the main characters don’t realise that they are ghosts. Great book review – well done.

  6. This sounds like a really interesting book Cleo. You have written a great book review- lots of details in it. I would love to give this book a read.

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