
Today I started off doing my Spanish and quickly moved onto to reading. Next was English. I started a poem. Later on I went to my mums work. Me and my sister were there. My mum wanted alone time so that’s why she put me there. I really enjoyed it. I think she needed to some jobs too.  Oh she also went to see her friend but her friend wasn’t there so she went back to the house. After that I did my maths. Later on I’m going to do the cleaning. That’s my day for you bye. By Orla.

Tue 9th June

Kitchen Science

Hi, we had good fun today doing some experiments!

We made the fizzy lava lamp and it was just like a volcano! It fizzled right over the jar.

Then we made the lava jar. It was bubbling away and really cool.

The witches brew was good fun aswell. I thought it would fizz over the top.

I did maths and read 2 books too. I am getting much better at my reading now.

Twiggy My 🐈

Hello Team Holywood how is everyone?

This is Twiggy, my cat 🐈. Today I am going to tell you a bit about her.

  • Twiggy is a year old! ( Seven in cat years!)
  • She is very playful and loves to explore.
  • Sometimes, ( if she’s in the house and mummy is hoovering)    She will sleep peacefully when the Hoover is on.
  • She purrs like a tractor!!!! 😂😂 and purrs pretty much all the time!
  • Twiggy is sometimes fussy about the meat she gets!

Twiggy meows by the door to go out and when we open the door she just stairs at you like “ seriously”. 😑 she likes to play in the long grass in the field. Twiggy likes sleeping on the windowsill, a cushion, and a chair with a blanket. Her favourite thing to do is chasing the birds. 🕊she also likes to chase shrews and mice🐀. She likes to play IT she pats our leg and then runs off!😀


Bye!!! Oriana




Niamh’s Hand


Niamh’s Mum here, Niamh has had to go to hospital this afternoon her hand has become very infected so all bandaged up for a few days till it’s redressed.

2 lions🦁

Today I made 2 lions 🦁🦁.



and Dos.

I used Mrs Queen’s tutorial to make them Thanks Mrs Queen  👸 😄.I messed up a bunch of times 😅 but I persevered and I think they look good.

By Hannah

Esmae’s Blog

Hi everybody. Today I went a walk with my Mummy, Nana Kate and Lily. We met up with my Great Nana Sarah.  It was nice to see her😀 because she has had to stay inside for 10 weeks because of the covid 19. After that my mum gave me homework tasks. I did my timetables, handwriting, mum gave me word problems, some sums and a spelling test. I got 1 question wrong on one of my sums. I got everything correct on spelling and mummy is going to move me up to list 22😁😁.

French and Spanish Culture

Hi all, Caspian is back.

Today I will be telling you some facts about France and Spain.

French Facts:
France has over 800,000 foreign tourists each year.

Not a surrender, from 1814-1830 their flag was white.

France created number plates.

The average French civilian sleeps for 8.83 hours a day.

France has twelve different time zones.

Spanish Facts:

Spain is the fourth largest country in Europe.

Madrid is the third largest city in Europe.

Spain is the 28th most populated city in the world.

Spain is most famous for bull fighting.

Southern Spain was once ruled by the moors.

I have done some work on Sumdog.

See you tomorrow!🐺


My mum rented zombies for me yesterday and tomorrow is the last day we have it….OK.right know I’m watching henry danger.🤩.for my lunch today i had a cheese and ham sandwich with crisps and a Capri sun.😎.after this i have to to BBC bite size and I’ve already done sum dog🤠.remember to wash ur hands💦👏🏼


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