Catch up

Hi Everyone,

I am catching up with sports week, so here is my stuff.

My sports kit. It has a lion on it, I took ages to draw the lions main. I made it 2 shades of blue and black because I got inspiration for the colours from Pokemon.

Paul and I played table football and pool in the games room when it was too hot and sunny in the garden. I won one game and he won one game of table football. Paul won most of the pool games but I did manage to win one.


I made a stop motion movie of a long jump with my teddies. The long jump is made from my kinetic sand. I had to use wool to make the teddies jump but two of them kept spinning so I just held them in the end. My mum had to help me by taking the photos.

We also went out on a massive 6 and a half mile walk!!! I was exhausted. We didn’t get back home until 10pm at night and it was still light. My legs really hurt.

I played in the garden lots and on my trampoline. I played swing ball too. I didn’t get any photos of this though.  My favourite bit was playing on the trampoline with Paul.

I also did the pyjamas to clothes challenge in 20 seconds! But mum forgot to stop the timer properly, so you need to watch the video to prove I did do it.

By the way, I know I am wearing a dressing gown and not a onesie. I just couldn’t find the word 😹😹👍

by Hannah Storey



6 Replies to “Catch up”

  1. Chick didn’t do so well in the jumping there, unfortunate fall. Well done to the lamb!
    Love the sports kit, the lion is excellent. 6 and a half mile walk? No wonder your legs were tired, good effort. How is the tooth, have you fully recovered?

  2. Love the sports kit Hannah. Lucky you guys having a games room to keep you busy! Great stop motion animation. 20 seconds for the pj’s to school uniform race? Wow that’s speedy!!

  3. Brilliant design for your sports kit! I’m sure you’ll have sports teams knocking at your door for orders soon!

  4. Nice sports kit design, Hannah. The table football looks like fun and 6 and a half miles is a long walk. You were extremely fast at getting changed!

  5. Wow Hannah it sounds like you have been very busy during Sports week! I like the sound of playing table football and pool, you guys are lucky to have them in your games room. 6 and a half miles is a very long walk so I’m not surprised that your legs were sore afterwards!!

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