Sports Week

We did a selection of sports including our own assault type course.

Washing Challenge –  I took 6 minutes and 34 seconds to hang 15 items of clothing.

Pyjamas to clothes – I took 1 minute 57 seconds.

Hope you enjoy my slide show.

6 Replies to “Sports Week”

  1. Everyone thought hanging out washing was easy until they tried that challenge – good work James!
    Great to see you guys out on your bikes. The weather has been too good to miss!
    What an obstacle course – huge with everything including the soft toys and duvet cover. Real eggs or potatoes? I can’t make it out?
    Great work – well done James. Go Team Bolts!!

  2. Great photos James, well done for giving the washing challenge a go- hanging up washing isn’t as easy as some people make it look!!

  3. Great slide show James. You guys all look like you have had a super busy, active and fun sports week!! Have you enjoyed getting out on your bike?

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