Hi everybody
Today I am going to do a post about yesterday because so here goes. Yesterday I did my own sports event, my one was the great carrot eating race were you have to eat a carrot stick the fastest. The best bit about it was my dog beans could join in because she loves carrot its her favourite treat I’ll say no more don’t want to spoil the video.
Next I made a healthy smoothy for sports day it was lovely, the ingredients are 5 strawberries, 10 raspberry’s, 1 banana, malt extract (because it had vitamin b in it which helps you recover after exercise), 600ml of milk and finally agave syrup (I know what your thinking this supposed a healthy snack but agave syrup has show working sugar which is better for the body).
What I also did was long jumping I forgot to take a video but here is the table I drew up for it.
See yah Joe.