Today we designed our team uniform and completed the long jump challenge – Scott won with 223cm!!
5 Replies to “Sports Week Tuesday”
Fantastic photos Rhys, looks like you and the family had lots of fun! Nice neat table of results too, well done.
Great action shots team!!
Mum looked she was judging and making sure the rules were followed – good work Mum. Great jump Scott – impressive from a standing start.
Well recorded – clear table of results – well done Rhys and Niamh!!
Great photos of your long jump – it’s almost like a stop motion animation. I agree with Miss Brockie-Donald and Miss Dale, that is a nice, neat and clear table of results, Rhys.
Loving the action shots guys! Your table is really clear- well done. I like the colours you have picked for your team uniform too.
Fantastic photos Rhys, looks like you and the family had lots of fun! Nice neat table of results too, well done.
Great action shots team!!
Mum looked she was judging and making sure the rules were followed – good work Mum. Great jump Scott – impressive from a standing start.
Well recorded – clear table of results – well done Rhys and Niamh!!
Great photos of your long jump – it’s almost like a stop motion animation. I agree with Miss Brockie-Donald and Miss Dale, that is a nice, neat and clear table of results, Rhys.
Loving the action shots guys! Your table is really clear- well done. I like the colours you have picked for your team uniform too.