Rainbow day

Today I did maths,  I struggled  so  Caspian , Mummy ,  and Mark  helped me  and I did  it in the end.

In  How  we used  To Live episode 4 for history, people, if they had nits, had to cut their hair short. But when I was little, when I had nits, mummy washed my hair with some special shampoo.

I did my yoga exercises when I finished my glass of water and apple this morning.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Bye, see you again on Monday. xxx

I tidied my room!

Hi guys. What have you been up to? This is my room a before and after. These pictures are the opposite way round obviously. I do time-lapses. Time-lapse is a video thing on your camera and it made your videos much faster. So I did a video and it looked cool. Yesterday I tidied my dining room. I also did my usual work. That wraps today’s blog bye. Take care! By Orla.


Bomb Shelters

Hi, Cas is back!

Today was mainly maths and spelling. The only non-daily lesson was history. In it we watched How We Used To Live episode 4 series 1 Hospital Case. I was asked to research a main thing in the episode. I chose Anderson and Morrison shelters. I will write my findings here:

The Anderson shelter was designed in 1938 and could fit 6 people in it. They measured 1.4 metres wide, 2 metres long and 1.4 metres tall. They were £7. It was named after Sir John Anderson, who prepared Britain for the air raids. The shelter goes in the garden.

The Morrison shelter was £7 as well went inside the house. It could not survive a direct bomb hit but could help with affects. It was designed to be slept in and used as a table

See ya tomorrow!

Chef Leland

Tonight my mum showed me how to make spaghetti bolognese. I really enjoyed making it with mum. It was really easy to make and tasted really good as well. Here is the recipe.

500g of Mince

1 tin of chopped tomatoes

1 Onion

1 tea spoon of Tomatoes puree

1/2 a tea spoon of garlic puree

1 ox cube

100ml of water


1. Brown the mince in the pan with a little oil. Also put a pan on with water for pasta

2. While browning mice chop up the onion

3. When mince is all browned drain of the excess fat/ oil

4. Add onion to nice and mix well.

5. Add the tomatoes puree and garlic puree and cook for a few minutes. Add pasta to pan of boiling water.

6. Add the tin of chopped tomatoes to the mince and mix well. Add the ox cube.

7. Leave to cook until pasta is ready.



🥳Hello again❤

So today we watched bbc bite size. We had ms webb who tought me multiply 10 100 and 1000. I got sent a certificate for home learning witch was really cool 😁.i have been listening to an audio book called ‘the worlds worst teachers’ hehe.,,!,we are going to recycle old plastic cups and grow cress in them  this weekend🌺. Were going to do an hour of learning on bbc bite size everyday except for weekends were just doing fun activity ❤.At home we also bake we baked banana cookies and muffins a phew weeks ago which we finished. Im hoping we can do more baking because its a fun activity.If corona is a long time witch i hope not we might redo my room and make it look pretty cool.we also might do up dates every couple days which will be fun😍. I hope youre all good and being safe and dont forget to Wash ur hands!!💖



Why dogs are better.


  • All pets can help peoples mental health, but dogs also help with physical health. There is lots of scientific research that shows people with dogs live longer healthier lives because dogs reduce their stress levels which lower their blood pressure and keep a more active than people who do not have dogs I got this from a recent Time magazine article see if you can find it on Google.
  • Dogs are very helpful or as a cat will just ignore you.
  •  Dogs can have jobs like guide dogs, search and rescue dogs, police dogs and sheepdogs.
  • Dogs are good companions will sit with you when you are watching telly or reading things like that.
  • Dogs can be very playful when you are on walks or just in your garden or even your house.
  • Dogs partly depend on you so there will be better behaved around you.
  • Dogs are more cuddly towards you. You will quite often find dogs that will sit on your lap and get lots of pats from you.
  • Dogs are very easy to train compared to cats.


  • They sometimes kill wildlife or scare it away did you know that cats catch up to 100 million prey every year over the spring and summer  27 million of which are birds.
  • Cats throw up furballs around your house so you have to clean up.
  • Have you ever heard the phrase dogs have owners cats have staff?  it basically means that dogs will respect you more and cats are only interested in you because you feed them and pet them
  • Cats are also very difficult to train.
  • You might say cats catch mice and rats but you can train dogs to do that too, for example Jack Russell’s were bred and often trained to catch mice and rats.



I have had both cats and dogs but prefer dogs because of their loyalty playfulness and helpfulness so, in conclusion, I think dogs are much better than cats.

by Joe (and Beans)


This is my dog (Beans) as a puppy – have you ever seen a cat look this cute?


A huge thank you to all our Team Holywood families and staff!

You are doing a great job.School Clip Art by Phillip Martin, Pre School

Stay home Stay safe

Have a restful weekend.

Miss Dale

Wee Books from New Zealand

Look what arrived in the post all the way from New Zealand. (Click on a photo to make it large enough to read!)





It had a letter from Opaki School and lots of wee books. One by a very special young lady…

Dear Diary


Today I finished my diary and big maths mix up!
I also helped make Mrs Madden’s lemon cheesecake!

Have a good weekend, from Reece


Food Chain Books on Epic

Hello everyone,

I just came across these books and thought they may be helpful for topic work. Check them out on Epic. Simply search “food chains” and 70+ books will pop up!

Happy Reading!

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