Creative story 2😝😲

hey its me rainbows today I’m telling the story.😃

So today was crazzzzy @~@ you see glitter me pixie and sports and Alexa went out on a amazing ocean!!!😆i counldnt swim tho 🙁 but that was okie because we wore on a boat.!!⛵it was really cool.. The end

P.s im sorry it is short but i couldn’t think of anything else to say part 3 is tomottow

By alexa rainbows pixie spotty  glitter and me!

2 Replies to “Creative story 2😝😲

  1. What type of boat were your characters on – was it a sailing boat or a ferry or a rowing boat or something else? What was the weather like when they were on their trip? Did they have any food with them? If so, what did they take to eat? There are all sorts of things you could add to make your story more interesting and longer – give it a go Alexa.

  2. A boat trip does sound like an unforgettable day, what a great story line. Could we get some more detail in your story and a quick check over your punctuation? Thanks Alexa!! Looks forward to part 3.

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