The past few days I’ve had tons of barbecues. I quite like barbecues. I mostly like the burgers. Today I went to my friends house because your allowed so we had a barbecue together. Of course we socially distanced. Me my mum and my two sisters came as well. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. By Orla.
Hello I have forgot to blog which was not good. Anyway I did my normal school day which involves English, Maths, Project work, Spanish and read. I am reading the book journey to the river sea. I also had to do a few house chores. I went on the trampoline quite a bit. I love my trampoline. That wraps up today’s blog bye. By Orla.
What’s up 
Hi so I’m talking to Alexa I was playing with Max and my baby dolls so that’s all for now
– Molly
Creative story 2

hey its me rainbows today I’m telling the story.
So today was crazzzzy @~@ you see glitter me pixie and sports and Alexa went out on a amazing ocean!!!i counldnt swim tho
but that was okie because we wore on a boat.!!
it was really cool.. The end
P.s im sorry it is short but i couldn’t think of anything else to say part 3 is tomottow
By alexa rainbows pixie spotty glitter and me!