So i have these friends called pixie rainbows and glitter.pixie is a fairy glitter is a mermaid and rainbows is a unicorn.and they all live in my house but they don’t like being seen by offer people so when someone is coming they hide.but 1 day we couldn’t find pixie we looked everywhere so me rainbows and glitter went out and since glitter can’t move without water we had to put her in a glass of water.then rainbows said “i saw pixie” so we all ran!to the grass.But pixie wasn’t there:( instead we found a ladybug his name was spotty and he asked us “why are you guys running” rainbows appled “we can’t find pixie out fairy friend.he said “i have seen this fairy flying up into the tree” i said “wanna come look with us” he said “sure thing:D .i started to get scared for pixie as she could have been seen we all screamed “PIXIE PIXIE PIXIEE PIXIE!!!!!” Yet no reply then she flow down from the tree and said “im so so sorry i left to go see the rainbow” we all looked up and saw a beautiful shiny rainbow we all said “u scared us” but pixie said “who’s you’re friend?!” We said “he helped us find you” she said okie doki after we all became great friends and by the way the lady bug changes color he just told me
Then end:D by Alexa,Pixie,Glitter,Rainbows and Spotty…p.s they are real
what a creative story indeed, Alexa! Can already see the book on the children’s fiction shelf one day. Good work!
I really like your story Alexa – it has lots of interesting characters.
There’s lots of magic packed into that story Alexa! Remember that characters names must have a capital letter at all times. Looking forward to hearing more of Pixie, Rainbows, Glitter and Spotty’s adventures.