My dream trip to Japan!

Hi Everyone

This week I have been carrying on Miss Dales theme of adventure and exploration with my mum – with ‘Japan week!’. For Japan week I am going too learn about Japanese culture, cook some Japanese food, learn some Japanese language, and some Japanese history (and of curse because it is me do some Japanese inspired art).

Today for Japanese week I have done some research on places I would like see in Japan. Then I marked them on a map it was really fun.


My favourite place I found was Yamanouchi National Park were you could watch the Japanese Macaque Monkeys – more commonly known as ‘Snow Monkeys’ bathing in hot springs. Heres a picture. – I think they are very cute or in Japanese – Kawaii!

Later I am going to do some Japanese cooking and after school time I am going to watch some Japanese movies like ‘My Neighbour Totoro’ and ‘Kubo and the Two strings’. – has anyone got a favourite Japanese movie I could watch?

7 Replies to “My dream trip to Japan!”

  1. Sounds like you are going to have a great week learning all about Japan Joe! I would love to see photos of your Japanese cooking.

  2. I think its great that you’ve taken the theme and gone in your own direction with it Joe. You could always bring some maths into it too – create a budget/spend list for your accommodation/sightseeing/travelling, and look at some time tables for planning your journeys. Just an idea! Looks fab so far, looking forward to seeing what you learn this week.

  3. This is a fantastic idea for a project Joe. I think Japan is such a fascinating country too. I recently watched a programme on T.V about Paul Hollywood (Great British Bake Off judge) visiting Japan. One of the things he did was to try a strawberry which cost £350!!!

  4. I watched this programme too Miss Pattie. Been thinking about films Joe… most of the Japanese films I know are pretty scary but have you watched Spirited Away? Its an animated film, and its got a lot of Japanese mythology in it.

  5. There is a film called ‘The Isle of Dogs’ it is not actually Japanese but it is strongly influenced by Japanese films. It is an animation film about some dogs that have been quarantined on an island because the people believe that they are diseased. It is quite a strange film but you might like it Joe.

  6. thank you.Miss Stapleton and Mrs Madden I have watched Spirited away and Isle of Dogs but thanks for the suggestions. That T.V show sounds good I might have have a look at it. Thanks again.

  7. I think its called Paul Hollywood Eats Japan. It should be on channel 4s catch up. He seemed to really love the food there.

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