Today in Maths I did revision on what I did at the start of lockdown. That was adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. She also asked word questions. I did improper to mixed and mixed to improper as well. I got 11 out of 12. I love doing those type of fractions. My sister Charlotte does my Maths with me. The test didn’t take long. That wraps up today’s blog bye. Take care. By Orla.
My Fairy Garden
Today for my art class, I designed a fairy garden using fuzzy felt and my fairy book. When I was happy with my final design, I drew it with coloured pencils and also added a collage effect by adding extra paper flowers. Mummy liked the picture so much and she has put it up in our sitting room window.
I spent some time reading on EPIC. I read about Scaredy Monster and how he learned to ride his bike. I also read some more of my Winnie the Witch book.
I spent some more time on my healthy eating menu. I performed my show for my neighbours. I danced and sang some songs. They watched from their kitchen window while I was in the garden.
Bye, see you tomorrow. It was nice writing another blog.
Love Tanith xx
Bats in the Belfry!
Hi all, Caspian is back,
Today I wrote down some of the bat species I have been researching, drew two of them (common pipistrelle and the long-eared bats), and wrote down some facts about them too.
There are over 1200 species of bat, including:-
Long-eared bat
Common pipestrelle
Common noctule bat
Vampire bat (yes they are real!)
Lesser noctule bat
Natterrers bat
Whiskered bat (looks like a flying shrew)
Big brown bat
Little brown bat
Let’s wrap that up and move on to some batty facts:-
Some bats are as small as bees; the bumblebee bat weighs only 2g and is the world’s smallest mammal. (Also known as Kitti’s hog-nosed bat.)
Not all bats hibernate but the ones that do, hibernate for 183 days.
Long eared bats fold their ears when in flight as their ears slow them down otherwise.
Only three species of vampire bat drink only blood, nothing else.
The largest bats are the flying foxes with wingspans of up to 2 metres and a body weights of up to 1.5 kilograms.
All UK bat species use echolocation (the same thing dolphins use – they send out a sound vibration and when that vibration hits something, it bounces back to the bat and the bat follows the way to the echolocation source) to navigate and hunt for insects in the dark.
Bats are the only true flying mammals in the world.
A tiny pipistrelle can eat up to 3,000 insects in a night!!
There are pipistrelles and long-eared bats colonies living in Holywood.
Mum says bats are extremely cute!
Today, I also created a menu with all the food groups in it. We are going to prepare it and eat only that for a day.
Goodbye and I’ll be back tomorrow.
Esmae’s blog
Hi everybody. Today I did some of the maths tasks on how to find the value of x. My mum told me if the sum was add you would have to take away the numbers yo had to find the value of x. It was quite tricky but I got the hang of it. I did handwriting to. I’ve been working on my superhero work but havent finished yet.
My nana got me a tent. My mum and nana found it really hard to put up. I can’t wait to camp out in it
My ladybird,Chapter 2
My superhero 
Hi everyone how are you all!
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the sunshine !
as part of the literary task this week l created a super hero .
My super hero is called Marine because her power is the power of water, she can send a tidal wave so big that it nocks the villain out. Then she can trap them in an air bubble that only she can pop. Because of this she can defeat the villain!!
Marine has baby blue hair and baby blue eyes. She has a dark blue top and matching trousers. Her special feature is the symbol on her top which is deep violet and wine red Colour, the symbol on has a lightning bolt behind it. Marine wears boots as they are comfortable! Comic strips are in progress!! Oriana
New Spanish learning can be found on the French and Spanish page. Sorry for uploading so late in the day! It can’t just be me who has lost track of the days of the week?!
Miss BD
Money counting
Green Dock Beetle Life Cycle
My dream trip to Japan!
Hi Everyone
This week I have been carrying on Miss Dales theme of adventure and exploration with my mum – with ‘Japan week!’. For Japan week I am going too learn about Japanese culture, cook some Japanese food, learn some Japanese language, and some Japanese history (and of curse because it is me do some Japanese inspired art).
Today for Japanese week I have done some research on places I would like see in Japan. Then I marked them on a map it was really fun.
My favourite place I found was Yamanouchi National Park were you could watch the Japanese Macaque Monkeys – more commonly known as ‘Snow Monkeys’ bathing in hot springs. Heres a picture. – I think they are very cute or in Japanese – Kawaii!
Later I am going to do some Japanese cooking and after school time I am going to watch some Japanese movies like ‘My Neighbour Totoro’ and ‘Kubo and the Two strings’. – has anyone got a favourite Japanese movie I could watch?