Today’s Challenge

Hi everyone,

Today was my most challenging Lego challenge yet – It’s taken me most of the day, I am so happy to complete it!

Bye Rhys

Update on my project work

I do project work on a daily basis. I am still doing world war 2. If I am doing a writing piece on the computer I do a bit everyday. I have just finished the book machine gunners so I am doing a 250 word review on it at the moment. I am nearly done. Before that I was doing a letter to my mum about what I was doing in the countryside. That was based in the second world war. I took quite long on that. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. Take care. By Orla.


I made a 19 meter anaconda with my brother made out of scarfs!


This first video features some quick facts about the anaconda!

And this is a quick run through showing only the snake!

My Friday

Today I started with maths and finished the weeks sums.  I then did a spelling test and got 19/24.
The 2 books I’ve been reading this week are fox’s socks and hide-and-seek pigs.
After lunch mum made a very chocolatey chocolate cake for my cuddly toy Milley, (it was a great way of getting a cake made by saying it was her birthday) 🙊  I  was watching while everything was weighed and helped lick the bowl!

Have a nice weekend everyone.



Explorer’s Diary

May 4th Day 43

Today was Quite a strange day as I woke up inside my hut in the fort and shook my boots out before putting them on and it turns out I saved myself a great fright from doing so as a small snake fell onto the floor and slithered out the doorway. We finished the raft that will take us downstream this afternoon, Andrew has not yet started talking after his snakebite but he seems to be getting better by the hour. An exciting event that happened today though was an orangutan with a bad leg coming down to check us out before we had lunch as we decided to have a picnic outside the fort.

May 5th Day 44

Earlier today I Spotted a jaguar pacing outside the fort and one of the natives managed to catch it and knocked it out before showing us why to leave them alone and why to respect them before laying it outside until it woke up and trotted away. We are set to leave the fort tomorrow on the raft and I will be sad to go as I have enjoyed it here and wish I could stay.

May 6th Day 45

This morning we went downstream and as I write this I am lying in a much less comfortable bed inside my tent. The fire outside is managing to keep the majority of insects away but those mosquitos that find my skin are the size of my pinkie toe nail. I am sharing my tent but am content as the nights are fairly cold and the humidity keeps almost all of us unhappy but we are learning to deal with it.

May 7th Day 46

Andrew has spoke again! It is him I’m sharing a tent with and I heard him mumble in his sleep last night! And then at breakfast he said: “I’ll have that first one.” We are all as relived as each other and are now questioning him about the snake that bit him to make sure his mind is ok.

May 8th Day 47

We found it! The City of Z!!! We are all so excited to explore it! We are going to explore it tomorrow. We are not sure why no one has found it yet as it is literally about 40 miles from the fort we were staying at and it is so mysterious looking and poking above the treetops.

May 9th Day 48

We tried to go inside this morning but we decided to keep out as we found out it is full of traps. A seemingly poisonous spear flew at John as he tried to enter. We however think we have solved the greatest mystery in jungle exploration history as we found three sets of skeletal remains that we think is Percy Fawcett and his lot and have decided to leave them because Bill touched them and then felt unwell so he went to his tent which caught fire the minute he entered it, he managed to get out ok though.

May 11th Day 50

It just disappeared. The city of Z just disappeared. We had pictures but john said he saw a big creepy looking figure moving about the camp and bam! No move pictures. Some of us think he’s lying and he somehow moved the camp but if he did he moved all the trees and a mountain and a steam with all the fish in it and I know I heard weird noises last night though I assumed it was someone getting up for the toilet but no. He is right. I guess we better just head home. I’m sorry I did not write in here yesterday as well.

May 12th Day 51

John has gone insane because he apparently saw the beast that took our pictures again and we don’t know what happened but Andrew saw what he saw as well. We don’t know what to do.

May 13th Day 52

This morning we woke up and saw john had been ripped limb from limb, we are mourning now but we know he probably would not have made it back as he has never been the sort of person that did what he did in the last 24 hours. We are leaving.

May 14th Day 53

We are all so afraid. We are going. See you at home if we make it…




None of this actually happened.

By Charlie

Big Thursday (on Friday)

Hi again

Today, I also went on the best walk ever with my mum and my dog. There was a beautiful river with a water fall and an island in the middle. Then we took was a  lovely path through some woods and meadows with lots of flowers (including some wild garlic that we picked to make pesto for tea).

It was great. Here is some pictures of the walk.

Percy Fawcett’s field notes and packing list

Hi everyone

Today I did one of the tasks you could do for Percy Fawcett and the lost city of Z, I chose to do his imaginary field notes and packing list it was to do this I watched a few deadly 60s on the amazon rain forest chose some animals from that made some notes and drew them heres some pictures of what I have done.

by Joe

Mrs. Madden’s Big Choose Craft

Origami Bookmark

I know that some of you will already know how to make one of these because we have done it at school but others may not, so I am going to go through it step-by-step.  You will need a square piece of paper, a glue stick, a white sticky label or white paper, a pair of scissors and a black felt tipped pen.






I started with an A5 piece of paper (that’s half of an A4 sheet) and created a square by lining up a vertical edge with a horizontal edge, creating a diagonal fold (as I showed you in my previous origami blog).  Fold your square piece of paper diagonally to make a triangle.






Fold up the bottom right corner of your triangle so that the corner touches the top corner and the edges line up and crease it.






Do the same as above with the bottom left corner of the triangle.







Unfold then fold the top corner of the top layer of the triangle down so that the corner touches the centre of the bottom edge.






Fold the two bottom corners of the triangle up again and tuck them in behind the fold you have just made and crease (make sure they are tucked all the way in).





Now you are ready to decorate your bookmark.  This example is of a frog I made.  I cut out two white circle and stuck them onto some green card.






I cut out around the white circles leaving some green card showing and drew on some eyes with a black felt tipped pen.






I stuck the edges of the eyes to the back of my bookmark and drew on some nostrils to make the frog’s face.






Here are some other examples.  I know of one young man who may like the fox and I think another young lady could make a wolf bookmark.




Hello all,

Hope you have all had a great week and have managed to squeeze in some time for reading every day. I have read some brilliant book reviews on the blog this week – it’s great to hear abut the books you have read and what you think of them. Maybe your reviews will inspire someone else to read the book!

Pop onto the chat and let us know what you are reading at the moment.

If you like, you could think about the following BIG READ TASK…

A genie lands in the middle of the story and grants the main characters three wishes.

What do they wish for and why?

Look forward to chatting!

More beasties

Good morning everyone.

Mr Walker here again with another of the animals that I have seen recently.

This is a Chimney Sweeper moth and it is about 2cm wide between the wing tips.  Normally we don’t see them until June, but they are about earlier this year because it has been warmer.  They fly about during the day and you can often see them in roadside verges. I like the white tips and frilly edges of their wings.

They don’t live in chimneys, so why do you think they are called Chimney Sweepers?

Bye for now.

Mr Walker


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