Amazing Alliterations

Hi all,

Caspian is back!!!

Today I made some alliterations in literacy, I could not write them all because there were 26. Thats right, I did not do a few. I did the whole alphabet! I also made a stop motion with Mark, I could not show it here because I am writing this on a computer.

Bye for now!

Today’s work

Today I worked on Epic, Sumdog – completed my 1000 questions for the Senior challenge.  I then went to work on my literacy project finishing Percy’s passport and creating the ruins out of Lego.  Bye for now Rhys

Esmae’s blog

Hi everybody. Today I did some word problems that my mummy gave me and some times tables and handwriting. It was a little bit hard doing the cursive m and s. But I got the hang of it. Ive been playing in the garden too because it’s a sunny day. I played with my paddling pool and put my LOL dolls in the pool too.

Peacock Day 🦃🐧🐦

Today I learnt about peacocks. I wrote down ten facts, I will tell you one of them. The boy peacock dances to make friends with a girl peacock. I drew a white peacock. It is displayed in my bedroom window now.

I have also written a menu for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. I am going to carry on with this tomorrow in my healthy eating lesson. I had a banana today to be healthy. I am going to do my yoga exercises in my garden now.

Byeee see you tomorrow love Tanith 🙃

The Trip To The Loch Ness

Hello guys. Today I’m going to be showing you my story I’ve written so far. It is based on mythical creatures. Right now this is about the Loch Ness Monster.

One day me and my family decided to go to Loch Ness to go on an adventure. I did hear about a monster in the loch so I decided to try get a look at it at night time.

There was a hotel that we stayed in for a week! It was epic! As we were heading inside of the hotel I looked into the water and saw a big splash. I thought I was going crazy so I just ran inside and watched something to take my mind off it, but then I remembered what they said about the monster. They all called it the Loch Ness Monster or Nessie.

At night when it was foggy and damp because of the rain I sneaked outside. I really wanted to spot it. I went closer… and closer… and closer… until… SPLASH! I  slipped and fell into the water. I couldn’t believe it. This was the end of me until something brought me up to the surface. It didn’t look like a fish or an eel or a human. It looked like a massive snake with flippers. When I got to the shore I looked behind me to find it staring at me. I found it breathtaking to see the Loch Ness Monster, but I was scared because I didn’t know what it eats. She turned her head looking towards her back wanting to give me a ride.  I got on and we dived in and out of the water having fun and we did it every night until it  came to the last night until I had to leave.

We spent our last time together until Nessie stopped. I was confused for why she stopped until I saw a beautiful white horse on the other side of the shore. Nessie brought me back to the hotel backing away from the horse. When the sun rose in the baby blue sky I ran inside to tell my family about Nessie and the white horse. Only my brother believed me but that’s okay. We packed up and headed to the car, but the white horse caught my eye again. “Come on Cleo get in the car!” My Dad shouted. I got in the car but couldn’t stop thinking about the white horse…

To be continued….

Bye for now. Cleo.

My flower/butter cup dissection

Hi Everyone.

Today I have dissected a flower to find out about it’s reproductive functions it was pretty fun and can’t wait for some more tasks like it! I have never dissected anything before so I had some help.We took a picture of it and labeled it in word.

Joe’s flower anatomy

Today I have also done some maths on SumDog and for exercise I did some archery with my archery kit.


I have also made a model of my garden design with lego I couldn’t make it exact but I have had my best shot at it.

See yah,


Wednesday 20th May


I have been a busy bee today. First I did my reading then I copied some of the sentences and made a book. I am trying hard to keep my writing neat. I then did some maths. Next I had to read tricky words that we had to find around the house. Mum forgot where she hid  all the words  so we had to look everywhere!!  After that I wanted to do some drawings of flowers. I used my sketcher projector for this.

Look at Bobby now! He has got his front legs now. He nearly looks like a frog. Wendy still needs to get her legs at the front.

I’m going to put my swimsuit on and play in the garden now.

Bye 🤗🤪😊

Bubble blower

today I made a bubble blower

You need 1 empty plastic bottle

Bubble solution

1 clean sock

1) cut off the bottom of the bottle

2) cover the bottle with the sock

3) pour the bubble mix into a bowl

4) dip the sock end in

4) take lid off bottle blow into the bottle

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