Hi everyone , we are keeping busy and safe . I am still continuing on with my school work , maths , English , reading , spelling etc . Here are some of the thing’s we have been doing along with my usual work and the big Thursday day’s.
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I love drawing Manga , I have a lot of book’s which helps with creating the correct way to Draw the faces. I prefer to not colour my manga portraits as I feel that it be more animation manga rather than sketching manga. I enjoyed re creating a Van gogh painting , I love the way the colours blend in , it makes it look like the painting is alive . We hace veen doing alot of baking , something I enjoy doing with my Mum , we made Empire biscuits , banana loaf, shortbread angels and cinnamon rolls . Thing’s always taste better home made . On our walks we see alot of nature , we have a stunning loch 2 mins from us . The loch has alot of swan , geese and ducks on and other types of birds , sometimes we like to just take 5 mins from our walk to enjoy our surroundings. We find alot of other thing’s on our walks , wee broken bits of newly hatched chick eggs , caterpillars , all sorts of birds , weasels , fox etc etc The best thing about living in the countryside is the nature , the bad thing about it is my cat’s catching the bird’s, the poor wee swallow in the photo was rescued . We have been spending cosy night’s around the fire while star gazing and looking for satellites. I have also been going on BBC bite size and doing some work from there . I decided to have a go making a model plant cell , this was very interesting , I learnt a little bit about how plant cells and animal cells have certain features in common such as thr mitochondria , membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm . Plants cells also have a permanent vacuole . In the photo’s you will see a plastic tub (This acts as the cell wall) with water, one grape(acting as the nucleus which contains the cells genetic material) , handful of peas (acting as the chloroplast. These are where photosynthesis takes place) , water filled plastic bag ( with the water acting as the vacuole ) and a small amount green food colouring. The photo of the pea on its own is photosynthesis taking place . We have been doing alot of gardening so decided to give our poor garden gnomes a wee makeover , we painted 6 in total , how cool do they look
. Stay safe everyone from Merrisa.
Wow Merissa you’ve been so busy again. Thanks for your post, its brilliant seeing the photos of everything you’ve been up to. You seem to be doing some really great learning alongside your normal maths/literacy/etc., well done. I think your Starry Night picture is beautiful, did you use paints to do it?
I love reading your blog posts Merissa! You’ve been doing some great stuff at home and your zip line looks brilliant. Looking forward to your next blog post full of fantastic photos!!
Wow, that’s great Merissa. I love all your wildlife photos, particularly your caterpillar (I’ll have to try and find out what that is). Your Manga drawing and your Van Gogh inspired painting look fab. I really like your recreation of a plant cell too – you seem to have learnt a lot from it.
Good to hear from you! That blog post was longer than one of Mrs Maddens
Great to read about all your home learning and activities. Hello to the family!! Hope you are all well!
Miss Dale
Hi Merissa , great post and well done on all your hard work. Your baking looks delicious and making my mouth water.
Thanks for sharing all of your photos with us Merissa. You have been so busy, working hard and having fun. Your art work is really impressive and your baking looks delicious. Great to hear from you, I always enjoy reading your blog posts.
Your artwork is brilliant Merissa – great work! Looks like you have been very busy and are having lots of fun!