At the weekend it was Grannys Birthday so I made her a cake, it made her happy. I. Made it by myself but mum took it out of the oven.She said it was the best cake in the world. Looking into dangerous animals and the Amazon for my Percy Fawcett writing is exciting I have learnt quite a bit. This week I have had a free garden stall to give away books and DVDs because it’s nice to do and it might stop people getting bored. If you drive past stop and help yourself. I am working very hard to complete 1000 on sumdog. Last night I spoke to Olivia for a little bit I was happy when she called.
The cake looks delicious, well done for making it all by yourself. Your free garden stall is a very kind idea, I bet people will be really grateful for some new books or films over the next couple of weeks.
What a tasty looking cake Tumaini, lucky granny! Your garden stall is a lovely idea, I hope people enjoy their new books and DVD’s. Great to hear that you are keeping in touch with your friends.
Your cake for Granny’s birthday looks fabulous Tumaini. I like the sound of your Percy Fawcett writing with dangerous animals and the Amazon in it.
I am loving the Percy Fawcett literacy project Tumaini – are you going to have a go at making the 19m long Anaconda snake?
Hope so!!!
What a lucky Granny getting a lovely cake like that Tumaini ! You have made a super job of it. Well done! Brilliant idea of a garden stall, so thoughtful.
Wow Tumaini, what an amazing looking cake. I bet your Granny was delighted with it. That’s good that you have been keeping in touch with Olivia. I actually saw her last week at the hub which was lovely.