
Hi all, Caspian is back.

Today I have been doing research on France and Spain, and also writing down numbers and colours in both languages. I have also done my usual maths, spelling and reading. I have put some time in on Sumdog, 49 questions and got them all right. My new book for reading is Goosebumps, Return of the Mummy by R L Stine. Last night mum made butterfly buns which I called buttered fly cakes! I ate five of them and now I feel a bit like I’m having a slow sugar rush!! 🕷🍰


Alliteration Day 🐯

I forgot all about my blog yesterday, sorry.

Today I learnt how to write alliteration. It is when two words start with the same letter or sound. Like, three cat cushions. Then I did French and Spanish colours and numbers. I also found out some facts about France. I am still reading about Whizz Bang Winnie with mummy. I an using this book to copy out sections to help my handwriting and spelling.

Byeee, see you tomorrow love Tanith x 🐩


Machine gunners book review by Robert Westall

Machine gunners is a book about the world war. A boy called Chas finds an aircraft in a forest. There is a dead German guy and he has a machine gun so Chas and his friends pick it up and make a den to keep it safe. They also try to hide it from the adults. Chas was the second best collection of war souvenirs in Garmouth. I really enjoyed the book, it was also really interesting. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. Take care. By Orla.

Zip wire

Sorry I meant to add about the zip wire challenge . We were able to make a zip wire from the upstairs bedroom window down to the tree in the garden , it took us a while to work out the best and safest way to construct it . We used washing line with the smooth plastic coating on , we found a chain that we use for our hanging basket to hold whatever would be going down the zip wire (teddys and garden gnome) as it had 3 clips to hold in place , we then used shackle as the pully as it had a small wheel on it . I found that the heavier the teddy the faster it went but it weighed the rope down more (gravity), the lighter the teddy the slower it went but no weighing down . It was good fun , a few car’s stopped to ask what we were doing , I’m not sure what they first thought 🙈
The window size rainbow picture we made because our house sits so far back off the road with tree’s in the way so my mum and I decided to do this one together to show our support .Merrisa x

Crackin’ On

Today’s blog is no where near as cool as yesterdays but I’m doing well in the sumdog challenge and today I did about 500 questions today and had a read next to a fire I lit. I also did some spelling workout.

By charlie

Keeping busy .

Hi everyone , we are keeping busy and safe . I am still continuing on with my school work , maths , English , reading , spelling etc . Here are some of the thing’s we have been doing along with my usual work and the big Thursday day’s. 

I love drawing Manga , I have a lot of book’s which helps with creating the correct way to Draw the faces. I prefer to not colour my manga portraits as I feel that it be more animation manga rather than sketching manga. I enjoyed re creating a Van gogh painting , I love the way the colours blend in , it makes it look like the painting is alive . We hace veen doing alot of baking , something I enjoy doing with my Mum , we made Empire biscuits , banana loaf, shortbread angels and cinnamon rolls . Thing’s always taste better home made . On our walks we see alot of nature , we have a stunning loch 2 mins from us . The loch has alot of swan , geese and ducks on and other types of birds , sometimes we like to just take 5 mins from our walk to enjoy our surroundings.  We find alot of other thing’s on our walks , wee broken bits of newly hatched chick eggs  , caterpillars , all sorts of birds , weasels , fox etc etc The best thing about living in the countryside is the nature , the bad thing about it is my cat’s catching the bird’s,  the poor wee swallow  in the photo was rescued .  We have been spending cosy night’s around the fire while star gazing and looking for satellites. I have also been going on BBC bite size and doing some work from there . I decided to have a go making a model plant cell , this was very interesting , I learnt a little bit about how plant cells and animal cells have certain features in common such as thr mitochondria , membrane,  nucleus and cytoplasm . Plants cells also have a permanent vacuole . In the photo’s you will see a plastic tub (This acts as the cell wall) with water,  one grape(acting as the nucleus which contains the cells  genetic material) , handful of peas (acting as the chloroplast. These are where photosynthesis takes place) , water filled plastic bag ( with the water acting as the vacuole ) and a small amount green food colouring. The photo of the pea on its own is photosynthesis taking place . We have been doing alot of gardening so decided to give our poor garden gnomes a wee makeover , we painted 6 in total , how cool do they look 🙂 . Stay safe everyone from Merrisa.

Hello Holywood

At the weekend it was Grannys Birthday so I made her a  cake, it made her happy.  I. Made it by myself but mum took it out of the oven.She said it was the best cake in the world. Looking into dangerous animals and the Amazon for my Percy Fawcett writing is exciting I have learnt quite a bit. This week I have had a free garden stall to give away books and DVDs because it’s nice to do and it might stop people getting bored. If you drive past stop and help yourself.  I am working very hard to complete 1000 on sumdog. Last night I spoke to Olivia for a little bit I was happy when she called.

By Tumaini

Were going on a croc hunt

At the weekend we gave granny presents over the garden wall for her birthday. I have read Tumaini  story. I have made a lady bird book. I am trying to make white flowers colourful. I have described animals.  I am on a sumdog mission. I saw karate cats on her so I went on and its awesome.

Now I’m making a giant snake with Tumaini.

Esmae’s blog

Hi everybody. Today I did my maths tasks. I did the word problems. I got some help from my mummy because I wasn’t sure if they were division or multiplication. I also did my number patterns. Then I did word cookie and got 13 words from the letters. Then I did my handwriting.

My work

Hey everyone – Cleo checking in with some of my work.

This is my Van Gogh inspired painting from the end of last week using the airbrush programme

I’ve nearly finished House with the Chicken Legs. Mummy has set me the challenge of finishing before the end of the week so I can do a review. I have been doing work from my spelling list and also did the dictionary words – here are my sentences for those.

Indiana Jones is an intrepid adventurer that travels all over the world looking for historical artifacts.
Captain Marvel is courageous because she fights for people to protect them.
Climbing Mount Everest is arduous journey because the conditions are harsh.
School work can be a gruelling task.
Going for a walk in the Amazon Rainforest can be an adventurous escapade.
I love clothes and jewellery that are unique.
The house was in the jeopardy because it was so old and at risk of falling down.

For maths I’ve been sticking with my 5-a-day and doing a mix of medium and spicy. I’ve also been doing Sumdog and I’m going to try hard to help us do well in the challenge this week.

This week we’ve also taken a look at plants. We went into the garden and looked at flowering and non-flowering plants. We then discussed the differences. Then we looked at parts of a plant and I came in and drew a diagram through paint. Here it is.

I’ve also been very interested in myths and legends recently, especially legendary or mythical creatures. I’ve been watching some documentaries on them. Today’s has been about the Lochness monster.
Anyway time to go for just now.
Hope everyone is safe.

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