Dissecting the Earth

Hi all, Caspian is back!

The first thing I did today was I had to choose any fictional character of my choosing to have as my friend. I chose Kid Flash. I wrote about his characteristics and the comics and games he is from, and also why I wanted to be friends with him. This was an exercise in story building, presentation and vocabulary. Mum said my handwriting was really well presented.

My second lesson was geography. In it, I had questions about western Europe.  I used the atlas to help me locate various rivers, cities, mountain ranges and also which countries are bordered by other countries.

My third lesson was a study of the earth’s crust and core. I drew a picture in cross section showing the the layers of the earth and labelled them. Then I wrote a brief description of each layer.

That’s it for today, powering down!

Bag Supplier to the Stars!

Today in literacy I wrote about a fictional character I’d like to be friends with. I chose Holly the fairy. I wrote some sentences about her. Then I did some map reading on a map of Western Europe. I learnt how to read the key and find capital cuties and countries.

My tie dye bags look awesome, I am really happy.  I have some pictures to show you but the things still need ironing to be perfect. I want to have a shop selling my tie dye bags!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. I am going to bake Mrs Madden’s jammy biscuits and we are going to make some cakes for our neighbours.

Byeee love from Tanith x


Today I have done the cleaning. I did the living room surfaces, the couch pillows and I tidied the dinning room. Then I also cleaned my ponies tack. I cleaned my tack because it was a bit mouldy because it sat for while. Mould actually protects the bridle. Me and my sister rode our horses also my mum lounged her horse too. We do cleaning every Tuesday and Friday. I am the one that’s most on top of doing it. Last week I did the surfaces and the hoovering. That wraps up today’s blog bye. By Orla.

Esmae’s blog

Hi everybody today I did maths, handwriting and spelling. I got moved up to wordlist 21😊. I got 19/20.😁

My blog for yesterday

Yesterday I did my normal school day. I did art. Me and my mum painted pebbles. We used oil pastels we still need to varnish them but we will have to buy some. We did that the day before as well. I have done a sunflower and my horses. My mum has done a heart and a cherry blossom tree. We do it in our summer shed. Hope you enjoyed bye. By Orla.

Hi for kye

Hello my friends and teacher. I’ve been busy these last few weeks, I’ve been doing reading which I hate and maths and spelling, I don’t like doing school work at home. I miss being at school and seeing all my friends,I have been busy hiding my teddy and giving instructions and a map on how to find it, I have been out in the field picking up the rubbish as there is baby lambs and I don’t want to see them eating the rubbish. I have been baking and decorating biscuits and I love being out on my bike, we cycle down to the water to play and then cycle back, I love cycling fast down hills.i have been doing exercise on the trampoline and I’ve been helping daddy on the farm sometimes too feeding the cows..


Hi so today i am talking to Alexa and I am going to do math I like math. Alexa has been cleaning her room mine is clean already. I am with my stuffed animals to blueberry and strawberry they are bunnys.do you like bunnys? I have To go bye



Hey guy and girls.👫

I am back with another blog.today im joined by molly! Again. We are phoning again 😄.so what ive been doing is tidying my bedroom💫⭐. Georgias school has a 30 day drawing challenge🌈.so far ive drawn me and my friends👭 and a unicorn🦄. I found a nightlight which  im gonna use cus im scared of the dark😥💎.so the teacher keep giving me certificate witch i dont need😅.do u guys like tigers?.

Thats the end of another blog it was realy weird i have to say.

Remeber to wash ur hands with soup and WARM water!!


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