Fri- yay!

Hi everyone.

I hope you have all had a great week so far. I have really enjoyed reading all about what you have been getting up to. Your pictures and videos have been fab too!

I have popped your Friday tasks for this week up on the blog.

P1-3 there is a practical maths activity for you guys.

P5-7 it is the last week of your KiVa Random Acts of Kindness project. Remember to share any posters you have been working on with us please!

Have a great Friday and a fun weekend when it arrives.

Stay safe everyone!!

Miss Pattie


Greek Gods

Hi all, Caspian is back from a mythological experience. Today I have done a lot of research into Greek mythology. I have found out about Arachne for whom spiders are named.  I also read about Cupid. I read some of this when I read The Oddyssey last year.

I also did some work on my How We Used to Live lessons. Today I focussed on evacuees. It made feel incredibly sad, how awful it must have been for the little children.

See you tomorrow.

Big Read and Book Blether

Hi Everyone,

It looks like you’ve all been having a fantastic Big Thursday! Zip lines, tie dye, robots, Lego…we love seeing all your photos and posts on the blog!

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow morning we have our Big Read followed by Book Blether at around 10am.

Hope to see you all then!

Mrs Jardine

Holywood Hippies ✌❤🌸


Today I learnt how to tie dye from mummy. We made some tshirts and bags damp with warm water. Then we wrung them out. We put rubber bands on the things in odd places. Then we freestyled with three dyes. i had to wear really big plastic gloves to keep my skin safe. Caspian wont be happy when he sees i got pink on his tshirt.🤣 The things then went in plastic bags on the washing line to set. We said hello to Erin’s grandma from our garden. The bags have to stay on the line until tomorrow but mummy will take pictures of the next stages of my tie dyes.

I have also learnt how the earth was made and found out some facts. i wrote a lot. We watched episode 5 of How We Used to Live and learnt about war starting. The prime minister told the country when it happened. i was really ssd for the children who left their homes to live with strangers. i would be very scared if i had to leave my home.

Byee, see you soon,
Tanith xxx

Area challenge – Week 2

Here is my garden challenge design and budget. in total I spent £577.40, this is under the £800 budget.

With my remaining £223.60 in the budget I would buy a tree house. Miss Stapleton I’m sure just forgot to put it on the list of things you were allowed to buy as what garden wouldn’t be complete without one?

I really liked the challenge I did week one as well hope there will be more like it.


Big Thursday Fuuuuuuun!!



Hello  Team Holywood how are ya all.?It is nice read everyone’s posts.

Today l completed my Sumdog challenge and moved up a wordlist. All VERY exciting! After lunch I practiced coding with my robot called Botley. Botley is a coding robot who can be programmed to follow instructions (turn right turn left go forward and reverse). l had GREAT fun because he can make up to 80 moves and he has a very cute voice! O







Thursday 14th May

Hi everyone

Today we started doing maths but we did it outside in the sunshine for a change. I used my numicon to help me. I read the story What can I do?

Mum and I talked about what you would need in the Arctic. This is what I came up with in my drawing.

I helped Kolin clean the driveway. We were getting all the weeds out. It was hard work! I was sweating.

Tomorrow I am going to try and make a zip wire for my toys.

Today’s Fun

Hi it’s Rhys & Niamh together today because we’ve  worked together.  This morning we went out on our scooters with Mum for 4 1/2 miles, we were hungry and thirsty when we got home.

We have been working on a zip line with a 3 metre cord, Lego figures, sellotape, barbie doll and hanger.  We tried round the house to fix the cord, the best place was the door handle.  We tried the barbie and coat hanger but they were too heavy for the cord.  With the Lego figures we started off with 1 figure and moved the cord closer then further away, the figure was slower going down when we moved the cord further away because it wasn’t as steep.  We then added in more Lego figures to be able to get 4 on it, it was slower and bounced as it went down the line.

Now off to do our Lego challenge for today – build a robot body!


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