The main character is Ethel Letherhead and her mum has died and she lives in a house with her granny. Ethel has acne skin problems and they have being trying to get is to go away for ages. One day Ethel goes to pop into the skin tanning place and the lady says she’s going to throw away an old tanning bed that still works so Ethel and her friend Elliot Boyd take it down to her house because the lady let them have it for free but Ethel’s gran would probably not let her keep it so she kept it secret, also Ethel has found a new thing she could try to stop her acne. It’s called Dr. Chang his skin so clear. And on the packet it’s all Chinese accept from a label that says DO NOT OVER DOSE. She however ignored that and took loads. its tasted HORRIBLE. She then went on the sun bed but fell asleep! This seemed to…MAKE HER INVISIBLE! That was just the start of her adventures!
I really liked this book because it’s sort of an adventure that you don’t know what will happen next, really!
By Rhona.