I was on a phone call to Dakota

Today in the evening I phoned Dakota because I’ve not FaceTimed her in a while. Dakota was dying her hair purple. When I was on the phone call Dakota started tiding her wardrobe but then she didn’t want to finish. We talked for about an hour and then I had to go. I phoned back to see her hair about half an hour later and she showed me her hair. It turned out very faint but still nice. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. By Orla.

French Day

Today I learnt some French. I learnt some words and also some landmarks and I drew the country flag. My cat Ludo is getting better. My cat Saxon is getting a lot of attention as he is feeling a bit left out. Saxon only has one eye but he is very cute and it was his dream to become a pirate! I did some maths today and got some of them right but had to do three over again as I got them wrong first time. Mark helped me a lot. I am excited as tomorrow I am going to learn how to do tie dye with mummy. I am also going to make an ice cream sunday. (Sam – I will try and do something that isn’t sweet as you cant enjoy ice cream.)
Bye see you soon love Tanith xx

Woodpecker Facts for Mrs Madden

Hi all, quick update from Caspian. These are my woodpecker facts from yesterday.

  1. They can peck a tree 30  times per second.
  2.  They peck trees to make nests.
  3. Their life span is 6  – 11 years.
  4. There are 200 species of woodpecker.
  5. Some species live in deserts.
  6. There are air pockets protecting their brains so they don’t hurt their head when they are pecking.
  7. Males and females make the nest together.
  8. The wood chippings make the nest soft for the chicks.
  9. Woodpeckers are endangered.
  10. Sometimes they accidentally peck metal and telephone poles.

Kitten in a Bag!

Hi all, I’m back with some good news. Ludo is much better and is allowed out of his hospital cage on a regular basis now. He is not allowed to jump though as his pelvis is still mending. Also, today Saxon our pirate cat decided to hide in a delivery bag for five minutes!

Anyway, back to school work now. I got my work done quite quickly today. I had vocabulary, maths and French language and French geography today. I have also read a lot on Epic. Last night I read a lot while Ludo was curled up on my knee.




Hello everyone

Today Harry picked someone from Holywood to describe and I picked someone to do simile sentences about. It was actually not easy. Can you guess who this is?

Today’s work

Hi it’s Rhys today mum let us choose what we wanted to do. I wanted to learn about World War1. A few things I learned were propaganda, trenches, soldiers and why the war started. I also created a poster about the war now I am going to go play sum dog.

My work today

Hi it is Niamh

I have had a good day mummy let us choose what we could do.  I wanted to do a nature book and sum dog.


Wednesday 13th May

Hi everyone,

Yesterday I went on a really long walk! We went to Ae forest and I found lots of bugs. A snail, a bee, a spider, butterflies and a beetle. Did u know a Caterpillar has 16 legs! I threw big rocks into the river and made a fairy garden near the river too. We also put rocks on top of each other so see how high we could make it.

Today I have done my maths work, topic work on what a human would need in the desert and I made a little book called ‘Bugs in my garden’.  We found a bumble bee on a flower. He was getting nectar from the flower. I read the story ‘The toy box’ then we had some lunch. Now I’m going to play in the garden.

Look at my tadpole. Bobby has legs now. 🤗

Later on I’m going to facetime my friend Cassie.

Bye 😘

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