Today I worked on my daily spellings and maths. I am looking at largest numbers in a trio and also the smallest numbers. Mark helped me today with the ones I got wrong as I keep forgetting to read the question properly. Mummy helped me with my reading book which this week is Whizz Bang Winnie. I am finding it hard to read on my own as some of the words are really hard so I am reading a page to mummy then she reads the next one to me. Her reading is also helping me read out loud and how to say the words properly. I later on read a book on Epic about bears then watch a video about making a volcano. I have already asked mummy if I can have a lesson about how the earth was made and she has put it into this weeks lessons. I also did some handwriting practice. My last lesson was looking at animal groups to see if I could remember the work I did on this last week. I did quite well but had to research newts as I wasnt sure which group they belonged to. I now know they are in the amphibian group. After lessons I went out to feed my sparrows and rooks in the garden then did a singing, dancing and joke show for our old neighbour. He really laughed at my jokes and really enjoyed my song and dance routine. I was out of my breath by the time I had finished my show. Mummy made us ham and eggs for tea followed by jelly, yum yum.
Byeee, see you tomorrow, love Tanith xxx