Hi people, what have you been up to? I made my lunch. I made tomato soup. It’s really simple. My sister kept saying do not put any metal in the microwave. There was some left so I made my sister some to. I slightly over done mine but my sister still said it would taste good. Bye hope you enjoyed. By Orla.
Day off
The Life Cycle of a Frog
Here is my Life cycle of a frog – my Tadpoles are still at the tadpole stage, but they should get legs in the next couple of weeks.
here is a video of my tadpoles doing what tadpoles do best…eat and swim… today I learnt that the time it takes for a tadpole to develop in to froglet is dependant on how much food they have and how cold it is so it can take anything from 12 weeks up to 1 year… I hope it will be 12 weeks!
Drawing to Music
I found some old wallpaper in my garage and I used the back of it to draw on, but any roll of paper will do – perhaps you could use the back of some Christmas wrapping paper if you have some left over. I also used charcoal and chalk pastels but you can use felt tipped pens, crayons or coloured pencils if you like. I chose some classical music to draw to because it doesn’t tend to have any lyrics ( it is better if you choose some music without words that could distract you from the sound of the music).
I stuck my piece of wallpaper up on my lounge window with some masking tape. I got my piece of charcoal ready and switched on my music. The first piece of music I chose was ‘The Flight of the Bumble-bee’ by Rimsky Korsakov. It is a very fast piece of music so my lines quickly buzzed around the paper like a bumble-bee. I added some colour afterwards to make it more interesting.
I enjoyed doing this so much that I decided to do another one but to much slower music – this time I chose ‘Aquarium’ from Carnival of The Animals by Saint-Saens.
There are quite a few famous artists who have made works of art to music- you could look up: Wassily Kandinsky – ‘Compositions’ series, Piet Mondrian – ‘Broadway Boogie Woogie’, Andre Masson – ‘Automatic Drawing’.
Give it a go, it’s fun and easy to do. Mrs. Madden. ( I tried to put this post on my page but it didn’t come out very well so I did it again on here.)