During lock down me and my family have been keeping busy. Me and my sister have our moments but most of the time we get along. We have been going out on walks and bike rides every day. We have been keeping good care of our pets a horse , cat and puppy. It’s hard looking after a puppy during lock down. My cat sleeps in my room and my sister’s mattress has recently been moved to my room. My horses name is jumbo and he is 25 years old.
What a brilliant photo Liam! Nice to see you posting on the blog. Sounds like you and the family have been keeping active and enjoying the sunshine! Are you having Big Thursday at home?
That’s great you are all keeping busy Liam and you and Grace are getting along most of the time. Sounds like you have lots of pets to keep you company as well!
Sounds like you and your family are very busy Liam. Love your photo.
Very busy indeed! Glad you and Grace are helping out with the pets at home. Its been great weather for bike rides hasn’t it?
Your horse is the same age as mine! Millie is 25 years old (soon to be 26). Glad to hear you have been looking after all your pets Liam.
Hi Liam! It sounds like you guys have been super busy. I can imagine it must be tough being in lockdown with your puppy but I’m sure you and Grace are doing a great job of helping out with your pets!