Today I went on a walk in the Crichton. Me and my dad found a sundial. A sundial tells the time by the sun. A sundial is a device that tells the time of day by measuring this apparent movement of the sun accurately. Sundials are quite hard to read but when you get the hang of it’s not that hard. That wraps up today blog bye. By Orla.
This what we have done to day
Humming Bird Day 
Today I learnt about humming birds. They are very interesting. I read a book and watched a film about them. I wrote down ten facts. Here are some.
There are 315 different kinds of humming bird.
Humming birds have very weak feet and can barely walk. They prefer to fly or perch most of their lives.
A humming bird’s is 4.2%. It’s body weight is the largest proportion in the animal kingdom.
I helped make Yorkshire puddings today.
I hope you all like my facts and find out about humming birds too. There is a blackbird nesting in our hedge at the moment so I put some bread out for the babies this morning.
See you soon, love from Tanith xx
An Apple a Day
Hi, Caspian is back!
Today my first lesson was science – I had to find out what happens to our bodies if we don’t include fruit and vegetables in our daily diet. Usually I only eat meat even though Mum is always begging me to eat fruit and vegetables. I watched a documentary on Life Noggin about nutrition and I found out that if you don’t eat fruit and veg, you will start vomiting a lot , grow a lot of wrinkles and age super quickly. I paused the video and quickly got an apple as I was freaked out by the side effects of not eating properly. Mum is very relieved as she has been trying to get me to eat properly for a very long time. (I still don’t like carrots though!) I wrote down the side effects then got carried away and watched loads more Life Noggin documentaries after I finished off the rest of my work.
Mum made the most delicious tea. We had roast pork with all the trimmings.
Goodbye, see you tomorrow!
Jotters, Paper and other Things
Running out of paper?
Need some coloured pencils?
Ask your parents to read the latest Home Newsletter and e-mail the school office.
We’ll get resources sorted and out to families next week!
Thanks, Miss Dale
Esmae’s blog
Hi everybody. Today I had a day off because it was a nice day and warm outside. My nana helped me make a little tent for me to play in. I’ve had lots of fun playing in the garden and I made a little bug house. It had an ant, a beetle and another bug I don’t know what it was. Tomorrow I’ll get back to my class work. Also Mrs Dale phoned to ask if we were all OK and if we needed anything.
Sup everyone!
I made carrot cake with my mum.
I hoovered downstairs.
I made lasagne with my mum.
I have also been practising piping buttercream on cupcakes. I made the cupcakes all by myself and then the next day (after mum showed me how to do it) I decorated all the cupcakes myself. I really enjoyed it!
I have had a busy week.
By Hannah Storey
What I’ve Been Up To
Hi everyone
This is my written piece about the differences between home school and being at a school.
Home school and being at school are quite different. For example at home you don’t have a massive gym hall but you do at school.
At home when I’m doing school I’m surrounded by my pets and I like it because it keeps me calm and relaxed.
When I am doing home school I only have two people in my class and the people are me and Rory. It is not the completely fun having your brother in your class but that’s probably me getting used to it. Not only do we have a small class we also have a smaller playground. It’s ok having a smaller playground because we still have a trampoline. The classroom also looks very different because there’s two TV’s and a sofa.
I’m going to be talking about being at school now. At school I was able to see my friends much more and the teachers and I miss my friends and the teachers. We also have actual school chairs and tables at school which is a lot better to lean on. All of us also have to wear school clothes but for home school we don’t. At school we also have a lot of computers but we don’t at home.
Here are some parts of school that are similar. We have similar school supplies like pencils, pens, rubbers and colouring pencils. We also do similar maths like school.
I wish I was back at school because I miss my friends.
Other work
I’ve been keeping up my 5 a day maths problems – I’ve been doing a mix of medium and spicy. There was one spicy one that even had mummy a bit bamboozled for a while. I’ve also been doing Sumdog. For literacy I’ve been practising my spelling and I also did the venn diagram to help me plan for the piece above. I’ve also been doing my half an hour a day of House with the chicken legs. Yesterday we also covered inherited characteristics. We did the monster task and this is my monster family babies.
That’s all for now. I hope everyone is well.
Bye for now. Cleo
Wednesday 6th May
It has been such a lovely day today I have been doing work in the garden. My mum put up the parasol because I was too hot and i couldn’t see my maths book. We played bingo again and we played bingo with words so I had to read the words out.
I did a drawing of a bunch of flowers. My nan has lots of flowers in her garden. Later I am going to try and make a butterfly feeder.
What are you up to
what are you up to? I am now on wordlist 24 and I am doing a lot of school work I am even doing some of the p7s five a day, I am doing quick writing,math,spelling,reading too, I am on my second book I have done a book review on sleep overs, it was a really good book and at night my mum is testing me on a book about the solar system it is a quiz book. And I have been doing areas and perimeters
i have been doing a lot of exercise too,I have been doing a lot of dancing and acrobatics,I have even been doing some badminton, I am really into basketball too,
Put down in the blog what you have been up to