- All pets can help peoples mental health, but dogs also help with physical health. There is lots of scientific research that shows people with dogs live longer healthier lives because dogs reduce their stress levels which lower their blood pressure and keep a more active than people who do not have dogs I got this from a recent Time magazine article see if you can find it on Google.
- Dogs are very helpful or as a cat will just ignore you.
- Dogs can have jobs like guide dogs, search and rescue dogs, police dogs and sheepdogs.
- Dogs are good companions will sit with you when you are watching telly or reading things like that.
- Dogs can be very playful when you are on walks or just in your garden or even your house.
- Dogs partly depend on you so there will be better behaved around you.
- Dogs are more cuddly towards you. You will quite often find dogs that will sit on your lap and get lots of pats from you.
- Dogs are very easy to train compared to cats.
- They sometimes kill wildlife or scare it away did you know that cats catch up to 100 million prey every year over the spring and summer 27 million of which are birds.
- Cats throw up furballs around your house so you have to clean up.
- Have you ever heard the phrase dogs have owners cats have staff? it basically means that dogs will respect you more and cats are only interested in you because you feed them and pet them
- Cats are also very difficult to train.
- You might say cats catch mice and rats but you can train dogs to do that too, for example Jack Russell’s were bred and often trained to catch mice and rats.
I have had both cats and dogs but prefer dogs because of their loyalty playfulness and helpfulness so, in conclusion, I think dogs are much better than cats.
by Joe (and Beans)
This is my dog (Beans) as a puppy – have you ever seen a cat look this cute?
You have made some excellent points Joe – a very mature piece.
I have never seen a cat look that cute – but I have to admit I am biased and firmly in team dog.
Watch out, we may get lots of cute kitten pictures on the blog next week!
Have a great weekend!
Miss Dale
One of the reasons I have my cat is to keep rabbits out of my garden. Before I got her, I couldn’t grow anything – the rabbits would either eat it, dig it up or tear the bark off it with their teeth (I bought a small holly tree and they stripped the bark off it). Now that I have my cat to keep them away, I can grow all sorts of things and my garden is much nicer. My cat sits on my lap while I stroke her and she purrs – I find this very relaxing and comforting – I think she is good for my mental health. She also likes to play – we scrunch up a little piece of paper and flick it across the kitchen floor and she chases after it, batting it around with her paws – it’s very funny. Cats are very different animals to dogs and you can’t expect them to behave in the same ways but cats are amazing pets in their own way.
Brilliant Joe, some great points on both sides! Beans is very cute.
Fantastic arguments on both sides Joe- you have really thought about the pros and cons for both animals. I don’t have any pets of my own but I would have to say that I am team dog.
Totally agree Joe!