Happy Big Thursday!
New Big Thursday grid in the class learning pages.
Have fun!
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
New Big Thursday grid in the class learning pages.
Have fun!
Hi guys, how are you doing? I’ve not been so busy because I didn’t do somethings on my schedule. I didn’t do my tidying. The first thing I did today was Spanish. Again I use the app Duolingo. Next I did my reading. I am reading machine gunners. Quickly I write to my granny because we are being pen pals. Then it was Maths. I was working on 24 hour time or 12 hour time. Then it was English. Again I did comprehension. The morning to the afternoon is basically the same everyday. My mum offered to get some ice cream so I said yes. I got vanilla ice cream. After that it was project work. I am doing a letter about life as a child in the world war. Like how they had to evacuate. This picture is my Spanish. The crowns means how many levels you have completed. I’ve done more but I couldn’t fit it in. The fire is what streak you have. The hearts are how many life’s you have got. If you run out of hearts you either have to use your gems or loose all the work you have done. And you will have to practice. The flag is what language you are studying. That is my day for you bye. By Orla.
Caspian is back! Today is my birthday! I got an awesome Xbox game from my parents, Lego DC Super Villains. I’ve not had any school today so I could check out my new game. I got some dark chocolate mint bar and After Eights. my chocolate cake was so rich and extravagant, I need to ration myself! I got some Doctor Who books based on fairy tales, for example The Emperor Dalek’s New Clothes
Bye for now see ya tomorrow.
Today was Caspian’s birthday so mummy gave us a day off school. i got some Princess Poppy troll slippers in the post, mummy got them for me as a surprise. i made Caspian a birthday card. After Caspian opened his presents we went for a lovely walk for exercise. Then we had a birthday tea and chocolate smartie cake made by mummy. The candles kept getting new flames! I am making pictures of fairyland with fuzzy felt.
Byeee from Tanith xxx
Hi everyone. It’s Rory.
Just a little blog to focus on maths. I realised there was things I was finding tricky. First of all my Sumdog challenge made me realise I needed to go over my shapes and their facts again. Mummy made me a sheet of shapes and names and I had to match the names to their shapes. Then Daddy drew shapes and I had to name them. This was a good reminder for me and made my Sumdog challenge much better and I was able to complete it today.
I also struggled a little with adding when the numbers got bigger. Mummy said I kept forgetting to carry the one. I have been practising hard on this and Mummy has been giving me a lot of sums to try and help me remember to do this. I’ll keep this practice up.
I also did some French maths today. I had the sums written out in French words and I had to write the answers. I also had a list of numbers that I had to write in french words.
Bye for now
I havent posted in a while because i forgot how to log in.I’ve had ny birthday on the 24 of april out lettece we got from the school is doing good its really big and i can know eat it.Also my sister had her birthday on the 18 of april she got a new desk to draw on and she drew me as a miraculous charcter and im a unicorn
. My mum is always on the phone calling my granny and grandpa while i sit and play on my tablet while eating waffle not really do i eat woffles at difrent time
.Miss dale called to see of we needed help oh and Hi miss dale!
Anyway i hope youre all of you are safe.
and well At this scary time of year .anyone else agree that we shouldnt have school uniform i saw that vlogs
and when i come back i hope i see all youre faces and not a few All because your all so special and kind and i dont wanna hear or see u suffering dure to corona.But i dont think we need to worry as there is not alot of kids who have corona in primary school. And i will be trying out your crafts to see what its like to do <3 and PLEASE WASH UR HANDS!!! U wont get corona if u just
thank you for reading this extreamly long vlog im greatful for all of u
~ Alexa
I photographed some signs of wildlife in my garden today. I have a bird box and there is a sparrow nesting in it – I have seen it fly in and out but I couldn’t get a photo of it doing that.
I also found the beginnings of a wasp nest in my pony’s stable – this is only about 3 cm long (I took it down because I don’t really want a wasp nest in the stable). It’s quite beautiful to look at though and very delicate. Wasps are predators and prey on other insects – they are important because they keep the numbers of other insects under control. Mrs. Madden