Hi Orla!

Hi Orla,

Thank you for keeping the posting going while we have all been off downstairs for a wee holiday.

I have been taking Bailey for his big walk first thing in the morning so that we don’t meet lots of people. He is exhausted as he usually sleeps all day while we are at work. No peace for him tomorrow!

Missing all the guys, but hope everyone is staying safe at home.

Looking forward to seeing everyone back on the blog tomorrow – we have e-mailed all the parents (including yours!!) a new learning timetable.

Good to finally see your pony!

Take Care,

Miss Dale


Hi people out there. How are you getting on? I’m getting on fine I am actually enjoying staying at home but desperately want to see friends. Today I was in  my garden for a long time. In my garden I was doing round offs and backward rolls. Earlier I made a Easter slime. I also was doing arts and crafts. While I was in my garden I had to get my pony’s rug (the blanket) off. After my blog I’m going to do my Spanish. Then I will be going downstairs and watch a bit of tv.  Bye people reading this blog. By Orla.


Today when I woke up I felt excited because on Fridays we do a going out night and we were going to pamper ourselves. I have been mostly doing arts and crafts. I finished a drawing I’ll put a picture in the blog. I also brought and fed my pony Duncan. That is my day for you guys bye. By Orla


Today I’ve again barely done anything. I have done arts and crafts. In my arts and crafts I am working on my heart piece. I was painting the heart white so I can do my design. I also made fruit scones with my brother. I was trying on lots of clothes because my family do a going out night on Fridays. I really enjoy it. Also I brought my horse into his stable. That raps up today’s blog bye. By Orla


Today I’ve just chilled. I did a really fun thing today and that was having a bike ride with my family. We went on quite a long ride on the bikes. We went up two steep hills on one of them I went off my bike but on the steeper one I stayed on my bike the whole time.  I was so sore after I went up the hill. After that I went in my room and watched a bit of telly. Oh before that bike ride me and my mum went to the shop wicks to pick up some ply wood. Then we realised that the ply wood didn’t fit in our car. I don’t know what my mum was thinking. I thought it possibly could fit because we have a big car so we had to phone my dad because he has a few vans. The ply wood was quite big mind. I knew he was going to bring it electric van which is quite small. When my dad got here we popped the wood in the van and my dad had to drive with the back doors were wide open. It looked strange. That’s is my day for you guys bye. By Orla.


Today I’ve done nothing at all. The 3 things I’ve done today are: arts and crafts, Spanish and do the horses. I’m customising a heart thing that you put a picture in it but I painted all of it. I’m not finished but I’ll put the finishing product on the blog. I think I’m going to read before bed. Also I ate loads of chocolate. That my day for you guys bye. By Orla

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