Cranimals 🐺

Hi, Caspian is back!

My title refers to the series of books I am writing based on animal hybrids. I spoke about this not too long back and I decided to reveal my illustrations to you today.

Today I found out about the life cycle of a butterfly. From my research, I watched a film about butterflies with David Attenborough.

For my lesson on health, I created an exercise routine for the family to do every week. I am not posting the video though as I’m too embarrassed!

I had a lesson on cleanliness in the home. An excuse by my mum to get me to tidy my chest of drawers! I also helped make fish pie-i made the parsley sauce.

Bye 🐺

PS I don’t know why my picture won’t rotate. Mum and I have looked all over for the rotate button but cannot find it anywhere on the menu. Sorry.




5 Replies to “Cranimals 🐺

  1. Fantastic illustrations Caspian! They are very detailed and the facial expressions are great! I look forward to reading Cranimals when you are ready to publish!

  2. Sounds like you’ve been up to some fantastic stuff Caspian! Great work finding out about the life cycle of a butterfly- are you going to turn it into a stop motion animation? I know you’ve enjoyed making them at home.

  3. Great illustrations Caspian – all your hybrids look quite angry though – are they annoyed at being turned into hybrids?

  4. Dear Mrs.Madden, the cranimals with red eyes are evil and the green ones are good.

  5. I love your illustrations Caspian- fab work. I really enjoy watching David Attenborough nature programmes too. Have you seen Planet Earth 2? It’s a great series.

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