builder Bruce built big buildings.
big buildings built by builder Bruce
if builder Bruce built big buildings
how many buildings would builder Bruce build?
mum and i have had fun trying to say this can you do it?
by bruce
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
builder Bruce built big buildings.
big buildings built by builder Bruce
if builder Bruce built big buildings
how many buildings would builder Bruce build?
mum and i have had fun trying to say this can you do it?
by bruce
I had to try this a few times before I got it Bruce! Brilliant idea- would love to see some more tongue twisters on the blog.
Hey Miss B – it’s our alliteration task this week on the Literacy Grid.
Good work Bruce! I failed in an epic way trying to say it.
I hope to have my Alliteration tongue twister up later today.
Miss Dale
I nearly managed but that last line keeps tripping me up Bruce, I love it, great work!
Took me quite a few goes Bruce to get it right. Brilliant.
Love it Bruce. Very tricky to say… it took me a few attempts to get it right!
I love it Bruce – it’s a brilliant tongue twister.