Airens blog

Hi everyone, today my mum is helping me to write my blog. This morning my mum set me a maths challenge I have posted some pictures. I have also been  looking after my plant that we planted on the last day of school. it has been growing fast. we also had a little visitor it was a pheasant in our garden. We even managed to sneak some pics of him.

7 Replies to “Airens blog”

  1. Great Maths Challenge Mum – and well done Airen you made a great job of it!
    Mrs Madden will be delighted to see you captured some local wildlife (on your camera).
    Great work today – time for a break?!
    Miss Dale

  2. Great maths, well done! Your plant is growing very quickly, what type of plant is it Airen?

  3. You are doing a fab job looking after that plant Airen, well done! And I’m very impressed with your maths work. I hope you and mum had a fun day learning together.

  4. That’s fantastic Airen. I also have a pheasant in my garden but I haven’t managed to get a photo of it yet – it keeps running away, so well done you.

  5. I love pheasants, that is a really good picture of one, I saw 2 today in the field when I was playing at the school! I heard it before I saw it!

  6. Wow Airen your plant is growing very fast, you must be doing a super job of watering it. Love the pictures of the pheasant!

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