
Birds have feathers, wings, lay eggs and are warm blooded.

Scientists believe that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs.Image result for bird facts

Birds have hollow bones which help them fly.

Image result for bird factsImage result for bird factsImage result for bird factsImage result for bird facts

Climate Dioramas

So what we have been up to is, we choose a country that has a different climate zone from ours. Say you have a very hot climate zone or country we had to pick a very cold country, so I picked Russia! so first I had to find out information like everyone else. and the class had to put the information on a sheet. We had to find information about Scotland as well so we could compare Scotland’s climate zone to the country we picked climate zone. And then we had to use the information that we had on the sheet, and make a diorama out of it. and that is how I got here! and I love it.

by kaitlyn



On big Thursday I have been learning how to be doing the headstand on the wall. I am good at balance. I can now do the headstand on the floor.

By Kye

More 2Animate

P1-3 made these water cycle animations this week in computer science. They used all the skills we have been working on in this block – drawing, selecting and moving objects, and adding text.


Sam and Sevi
Airen and Jayda
Harry and Brody
Tanith and Reece
Mena and Anneliese
Olly and Owen

Spanish trip

My mum  and myself are going to Spain for five days.

I like  warm weather there.

We  are going to get a plane on Friday.

Edinburgh Trip

I  am going to  watch a Lion King with  my mum and my granny on Saturday in Edinburgh.  We are going to get a train to the capital in the morning.

Food Technology

This young man has been making all sorts of things in food technology.  He really enjoys chopping up vegetables.  He makes sure he checks through the ingredients on the recipe.

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